Let us bear in mind, however, that these words, "life from the dead," refer to Israel nationally, not individually. Always God requires personal faith in Christ for salvation. B!l~ this assage points on to the time when the nation shall, as it were, rise from er rave amon the peoples o the earth. It promises a national revival, when the Jews w1 go back t_o the land of Palestine, there to enter into the millennial reign of Christ. Then the blessing upon Jew and Gentile will be in greater proportion than ever before. I do not mean by this that saved Gentiles of the millennium will have a greater position than we who are members of the church of Christ shall have, because that could not be. But the nations of the earth will be blessed to a greater extent. Israel will know her Messiah. Then that promise which God made to Abraham will be fully realized, "In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed" (Gen. 12: 3). Ezekiel 37: 1.. 14 tells us of this national resurrection of Israel. Ever since the setting aside of God's ancient people, for a season, they have been as a "valley of dry bones" - spiritually dead. But even as God let Ezekiel see the "sinews" and the "flesh" and the "skin" cover the bones, even as He showed His prophet the vision of how He put "breath" into these dead bodies, so also the nation of Israel shall be as those alive from the dead. Ezekiel looked; and behold, "the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army" ( Ezek. 37: !_Q). For nearly two thousand years Israel has been a valley of dry bones. But we are living in a day when life is about to enter into these bones. We are witnessing what is called the revival of the Zionist Movement. The Jews are going back to Palestine in unbelief; they will not "breathe'; until Christ comes in glory. 'But when His feet shall stand upon the Mount of Olives, and they shall look upon Him whom they have pierced, then the very breath of God will enter into them. That is what Paul means when he says that "the receiving of them shall be ••• life from the dead." Page 214)
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