Now let us look again at verse 16: "For if the flrstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches." The "flrstfruit" refers to the regenerated remnant of Israel, and they are called holy because of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The lump refers to the nation of Israel, and Paul is looking forward to the time when the nation shall see the Lord as Him whom they have pierced and shall receive Him as their own. He is looking through the eye of prophecy here. The root is Abraham, and Abraham believed God. As the root is holy, so the nation is holy in the prophetic sense. And so are the branches. This is the future of Israel. The nation will believe God and it will be counted to them for righteousness. Even though "some of the branches be broken off," even though the wild olive tree has been grafted in, yet the natural branches will be grafted in again, "and so all Israel shall be saved." This is Paul's argument here; and this is the substance of his warning to the Gentiles not to boast, lest they, too, be broken off through unbelief. In other words, Paul admonishes the wild ·olive tree, making it very plain that this place of blessing does not save them. It did not save Israel when she was enjoying the privi... leges of God, and it will not save anyone. Hence the ex... hortation, "Be not highminded, but fear" (verse 20). In these words Paul reminds us that God took us up, not because He saw something good in us, but because of His sovereign grace. And as Israel was broken off because of unbelief, we also shall go the way of the natural branches if we do not exercise faith. If God spared not His chosen people, Israel, how much more will He not spare the ungodly Gentiles! His severity fell on Israel, and h~s continued for two thousand years. How severe God has been with the Jews! They have been scattered and their persecutions have been unspeakable. But how good God has been to the Gentiles, in spite of their sin and unbelief! He has allowed them to [Page 217
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