Talbot - Addresses on Romans


I trust, my friend, that you will show just as much interest in Rom. 12... I 6 as you have shown in the doctrinal and dispen... sational portions of the book. And may it be the prayer of every Christian that the righteousness of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, shall be reproduced in his life as he serves "the living and true God" and waits "for his Son from heaven" (I Thess. 1:9,10). God has been so good to us! He is holy, and His holiness requires righteousness. He has brought us into the court room, as it were, where He found us all guilty, with no righteousness of our own. But instead of banishing us from His presence forever, as we deserved, He revealed His own righteousness in the Person of His Son, gave it to us as a free gift, enabled us to receive it by giving us the faith to believe Hiin and receive His salvation, which is all of grace. Moreover, He put His own Holy Spirit into our hearts, that we might realize in our daily experience the mighty power of His gift of righteousness in the Lord Jesus Christ. And now, because of all these "mercies of God"...:_set ·forth in chapters one to eight.-"therefore" He beseeche& us, through His servant Paul, to know and obey His will in this . , . present life. Thus we see that chapter twelve follows imµi i..- ately after chapter eight.-we have already noted t}rt(t nine, ten, and eleven are parenthetical. Because we have been fore... known, predestinated, called, justified; because we have been eternally linked with Christ, adopted into the family of God; because we have been told the family secrets now and promised glory forever.-" therefore," God tells us to put into practical experience His "good, and acceptable, and perfect, will." My Christian friend, I want us to see that, in these chap... ters which we are to consider today, God has made known to us His will for every walk of life, for every emergency, for every joy or sorrow. We shall not attempt here an ana... lytical study of every verse. That is not necessary, as the inspired record speaks plainly, simply, and far more power... [Page 223

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