Talbot - Addresses on Romans


He fulfilled the covenants made with Israel, "the circumcision." Moreover, "the root of Jesse" (verse 12 ) was none other than the Lord Jesus, a Jew "according to the flesh"; for Jesse was the father of David, the king, from whose family Christ was born in Bethlehem. And Christ is the God of the Gentiles, for in Him there is neither Jew nor Greek. This is the message of Paul to all the world. Little wonder he echoes the voice of the prophets, bidding us "glorify God for his mercy"! The keynote here is one of praise: "Glorify God for his mercy." "Sing unto thy name." "Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people." "Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles." "Laud him, all ye people." All praise and honor are due unto Him who not only justified us by His grace and gave us His Holy Spirit to empower us for His service, but who "shall rise to reign" in righteousness and peace. We were brought into the court room of the righteous Judge of heaven and earth. He found us guilty and "without excuse," Jew as well as Gentile. But because He loved us "while we were yet sinners," He paid the penalty for our sins and justified us by His grace. Not only so, but He gave us His Spirit to lead us and to enable us to do His will. How can we help but love Him and praise Him for the gift of His righteousness? He is "the God of patience"; He is "the God of ... consolation"; and He is "the God of hope" (15:5, 13). He fills our hearts with "all joy and peace in believing," that we "may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost" (15:13). With these words Paul seems about to close his letter t~. ~he Romans with the benediction of hope, joy and peace. But he adds, in the verses which follow, a personal message that warms our hearts. Page 246]

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