friend to friend. And how beautifully the apostle commends his fellow..Christians, many of them unknown to us, except as we read of them here! Often the quiet ministry of God's saints, unheralded and unsung on earth, is most acceptable to Him. Let us not forget this as we are called to labor in the little things which men seem not to notice. Our God knows our hearts, and He will not forget our "work and labour of love." It seems that Phebe was the messenger who delivered this letter to the Roman Christians. Note how Paul speaks of her: "I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a deaconess ... a helper of many, and of myself also." This is the trans.. lation of the Revised Version. Whatever her "business" was, she had need of assistance and encouragement from the Christians at Rome. Priscilla and Aquila Paul calls his "helpers in Christ Jesus." They had risked their lives for his safety. And they had a "church ... in their house." Their reward for service at "the judgment seat of Christ" will be one to be desired. We turn to the eighteenth chapter of Acts to read more about these devoted saints of God and Paul's fellowship with them. Eprenetus, "my well..beloved ... who is the flrstfruits of Achaia unto Christ".-thus Paul salutes this saint, an early convert of Achaia. Mary "bestowed much labour" upon Paul and his com.. panions. Perhaps she entertained them in her home. Andronicus and Junia, "kinsmen" of Paul and "fellow.. prisoners" for the testimony of Jesus, were saved before Paul knew the Lord, even as he says, "They were in Christ before me." They were also "of note among the apostles." Just what their service was, other than this, we shall know when we meet them in heaven. , Amplias Paul calls his "beloved in the Lord." Urbane-"our helper in Christ." Stachys-"my beloved." Apelles-"approved in Christ." [Page 249
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