Talbot - Addresses on Romans

ADDRESSES ON ROMANS is, vain in their reasonings. Rome, in her glory, defied the world with her philosophy. She produced gigantic reasoners, but look at what happened to her civilization. Likewise today, men worship the intellect. They ridicule the Christ of the Bible and atonement for sin by the blood of His cross. Only one result can follow such sin, even as it was in the days of Paul: 4. "THEIR FoousH HEART WAs DARKENED. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." Note here the word "darkened " implying that the human heart was not "dark" in the beginning: it once knew God, but was "dark- ened" because of sin. 5. THEY BECAME IDOLATROUS, "and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and to fourfooted beasts, and creeping things" (verse 23 ). This is not the evolution we hear about in certain educa- tion;i circles today. It is the record of the downward course of fallen man. And these things are true of the people in Los Angeles who reject Christ and His gift of salvation. The world today is rushing on to the worship of the Antichrist, when there will be such idolatry as was never seen before. My unsaved friend, "now is the accepted time: behold, now is the day of salvation" (II Cor. 6:2). THE DEPTHS OF HUMAN DEGRADATION DESCRIBED 1:24-32 Verses 24-32 of chapter one show how conduct is affected when men turn away from God. The unspeakable sins de- scribed here were characteristic of idolaters in Rome, and they are characteristic of many today in so-called Christian lands. And "God gave them up," so degraded and low had they become! Greek and Roman literature and sculpture corroborate these things. On my way from Australia to this country I [Page 29

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