Talbot - Addresses on Romans


since our Lord Jesus has come "to seek and to save that which was lost," sinful man may be made fit to stand in the presence of a holy God, unafraid and unashamed. We marvel at this redemption provided by God for us. It is in Christ, without the law, by grace, through faith, with- out works. as these verses go on to explain. Then two Old Testament illustrations follow, showing that God has always had only one way of justifying man, even from the beginning. Abraham was justified without the law, by grace, through faith. without works. The same was true of David; and this is the righteousness which is being offered now to you and to me. It is the only way God has ever had of justifying the guilty sinner. "By the law is the knowledge of sin." Good works are all right in their place. but they will not settle the sin question. The great facts that Paul has set before us in Rom. 1:J8-3:20 prepare the way for the marvelous revelation of the righteous- ness of God. Today I heard the students of The Bible Institute singing: You will never be able to sing about His grace, my friend. unless you understand the truth about sin. The law is something like a mirror. It reveals sin. I remember that when I was a child. after I had played in the mud until I was covered with it, my mother had great difficulty in convincing me that I needed to wash. Finally. in order to prove that I needed a bath, she would hold the mirror up before me so that I could see for myself. The mirror could not wash me, however; it could only reveal the mud. That is what the law does. It reveals sin, but can not wash it away. Law imparts to man the knowledge of sin. Man's sin has been revealed in Rom. 1: 18-3:20-"but now ..." At the end of the court scene the Judge does not [Page 45 "His grace is like a river; His grace is full and free."

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