FOREWORD The lectures printed in this volume were given over Radio Station KMPC, Beverly Hills, California, over a period of some weeks. It is the desire of the author to thank the members of the radio audience who have made this ministry possible by their gifts and prayers. Acknowledgment is made also to the late Rev. W. H. Griffith Thomas, D.D., for the main outline of the epistle, as printed on the accompanying chart; and to the following Bible expositors for help received from their publications: Rev. James M. Stifler, D.D.; Rev. H. A. Ironside, D.D.; Rev. W. L. Pettingill, D.D.; and Rev. Len G. Brough- ton, D.D. Through the prayerful study of Paul's Epistle to the Romans, sinners will be justified by faith, and Christians will be established in the fundamental doctrine of the grace of God. Most expositions on this portion of the inspired record are deep, theological treatises; but this volume has been written for the wayfaring man, that he may know how the guilty sin- ner may be justified before a holy God. It is the prayer of the author that everyone who reads it will "search the scriptures," that he may point lost men and women to "the God of all grace." Then sinners will know the Saviour who offers the gift of His righteousness to a guilty world.
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