nant with him. It was a seal of the righteousness he had already received through faith while he was yet uncircumcised. All of this was ordered of God, that Abraham might be "the father of all them that believe," whether Jew or Gentile. And circumcision is in the class with all ordinances. While such ordinances as baptism and the Lord's Supper are or~ dained of God; and while I firmly believe that Christians should observe them in obedience to Christ's command; yet, like circumcision, they have no part in bestowing righteousness on the sinner. It is faith that saves. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16: 31 ) . I remember having been on a train where I came in contact with a man who believed that baptism was necessary to sal~ vation. Surely this passage in Romans answers all such arguments completely. Abraham's salvation was apart from works, apart from ordinances. It was all of grace, just as yours is. and just as mine is. It was received simply through believing God who sent His Son into the world, that He might die for our sins and rise again for our justification. GOD'S PROMISES TO ABRAHAM WERE APART FROM THE LAW 4:13~25 In verses 13~16 we see that Abraham received another promise from God, besides the one concerning the imputation of righteousness. And Paul shows us that this promise also was given, not on the ground of law, but on the ground of grace. "The law worketh wrath" (verse 15). That is all 1t can do. The promise given to Abraham as "heir of the world" was given by the grace of God. Now please note that these verses have to do with uni~ versa} dominion, not with salvation. In Gen. 12: 1~3 God gave this promise; and one of these days it is going to be literally fulfilled. The Jews will no longer be scattered, persecuted, despised. They will be the leaders of all nations, and through Page 66]
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