FMN | October 28th, 2019

People & Places UPM Raflatac Christian Szameit has joined UPM Raflatac’s North America Sales Team as Area Sales Director for theWestern United States andWestern Canada. In his role, Szameit also serves on the company’s Americas Management Team.


Flexo Market News® is published bi-weekly by NV Business Publishers Corporation, in association with Board Converting News®, Corrugated Today® Recycling Markets®, International Paper Board Industry®, Folding Carton Industry®, and Board Converting News International. Marketing and Circulation offices: PO Box 802, Manasquan, NJ 08736-0802, Phone: (732) 245-3702. Subscription Rates in U.S. and Canada $60 per year or $105 for two years. Overseas rate per year $80 USD. Current issue single copies (pre-paid only) $5.00 in U.S. (elsewhere $7.50); add $5.00 per order for shipping & handling. No part of this publication may be trans- mitted or reproduced without permission from the publisher. 'XHWRRXUFRQWLQXHGJURZWK$5&,QWHUQDWLRQDOLVQRZVHHN - LQJ LQVLGH DQG RXWVLGH VDOHV UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV &DQGLGDWHV VKRXOGKDYHDZRUNLQJNQRZOHGJHRI)OH[RJUDSKLFSULQWLQJDQG EHFRPSXWHUOLWHUDWH([FHOOHQWFRPPXQLFDWLRQDQGWLPHPDQ - DJHPHQWVNLOOVDORQJZLWKDWWHQWLRQWRGHWDLODUHDOOUHTXLUHG 7KHVH FKDOOHQJLQJ QHZ SRVLWLRQV RIIHU D FRPSHWLWLYH VDODU\ERQXV DQG EHQHÀWV SDFNDJH 4XDOLÀHG FDQGL - GDWHV DUH DVNHG WR VXEPLW D UHVXPH LQ FRQÀGHQFH WR ARC International is an Equal Opportunity Employer ARC International Now Hiring!! Celebrating their 35th anniversary, ARC International is a ZRUOGOHDGHULQWKHIDEULFDWLRQDQGUHPDQXIDFWXULQJRISUHFL - VLRQUROOVDQGVOHHYHV:LWKVWDWHRIWKHDUWSURGXFWLRQIDFLO - LWLHVLQERWK&KDUORWWH1&DQG/DV9HJDV19$5&,QWHUQD - WLRQDOPDQXIDFWXUHVDIXOOUDQJHRIDQLOR[UROOVDQGVOHHYHV DLUPDQGUHOVFDUERQÀEHUFKDPEHUV\VWHPVJOXHDQGPHWHU UROOVIHHGDQGSXOOUROOVDQGPXFKPRUHIRUWKHÁH[RJUDSKLF SULQWLQJLQGXVWU\

Christian Szameit

Repacorp Repacorp, Inc. has hired Chad Wyckoff, Marketing Manager, and Renan Santos, Quality Control Man- ager for flexible packaging in Franklin,Wisconsin. As Marketing Manager,Wyckoff will be instrumental in building a social media presence, enhancing con- tent through video, website development, blogging, and helping to develop overall brand presence. Santos is responsible for developing and putting into place flexible packaging processes; from material management, to overseeing prepress, print quality and pouching equipment.

INX International Shane Bertsch is the new Vice Pres- ident of Strategic Planning & Inno- vation for INX International Ink Co. Working from corporate headquar- ters in suburban Chicago, he reports to Bryce Kristo, CFO and Executive VP, General Affairs. Bobst Launches New CI Flexo Press

Shane Bertsch

Bobst has launched the Bobst Vision CI flexo press. The announcement comes during two major events for Bobst, both taking place from October 16-23 — the K 2019 tradeshow in Düsseldorf, Germany, and an Open House event at Bobst’s Competence Center at Bobst Bielefeld, where attendees were able to see the VISION CI flexo press in operation. Productivity Boost TheVISION CI is available as an initially 8-color press. TheVISION CI contains‘smartHEAT’technology,which enables the machine to use its own heat as an internal and useful energy source, while its ‘smartCLEAN’ tech- nology saves on ink and solvents. Furthermore ‘smart- KEY’ and ‘smartSET’will maximize machine productiv- ity through minimizing job set-up time and material waste, according to the company.

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14 October 28, 2019 Flexo Market News

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