Sports & Ortho. Is Your Balance Setting You Up For Injury?

W H A T O U R P A T I E N T S A R E S A Y I N G :

I recommend Sports & Orthopaedic without hesitation! “This was the first time I ever had any need for physical therapy. I didn’t know what to expect. I am so glad that the first experience was with Monique Beeko, and my recovery is a testament to her knowledge and professionalism. I am now well aware of the benefits a good physical therapist can provide. Also, the front desk staff was pleasant and efficient. If any of my friends are ever in a situation where they need PT services, you can be sure I’ll recommend Sports & Orthopaedic without hesitation.” - Goldberg B.

When we remodeled our facility, we endeavored to develop a clinic which is open and inviting. The color scheme and art work were included to encourage a safe-healing environment. Besides being beautiful it is extremely functional with 3200 square feet of clinical treatment area.


H AV E Y O U M E T Y O U R I N S U R A N C E D E D U C T I B L E ?

An insurance deductible is the amount of money that you must pay before your insurance company pays for your medical services. Patients with family plans or those who have had major surgeries or chronic illness are especially likely to have a $0 balance remaining on their out-of-pocket expenses. If your deductible is met, your Physical Therapy may not cost you anything! If you are close to or have met your insurance deductible for the year, then now is the time to come in for Physical Therapy! Are you feeling aches and pains? Loss of balance or strength? Are you unable to do your normal everyday activities? Let

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Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist.

Your therapist can discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist might recommend you come in for an appointment. WE ’ RE HERE TO HE LP YOU WI TH : • Low Back & Neck Pain • Hip, Knee, & Leg Pain • Hand, Arm, & Shoulder Pain

us help you get a head start for 2020 and schedule your consultation! Visit or call 301.989.9040 to talk with your physical therapist today and schedule your appointment!


Corner Balance Begin with standing facing out from a corner. Using the corner for balance if you need it position your feet in a ‘tandem’ stance (Heel to toe). Balance here with eyes open for 1 min, only touching wall if necessary. Switch feet and repeat on opposite side.

• Post-surgical Rehab • Balance Problems • Vestibular & Neurological Disorders • Headaches

Many patients benefit from this exercise, and we hope it helps you, too! However, if it is not met with a good outcome rapidly, please do not continue to perform the exercise. Togetan individualizedexerciseprogram foryourspecificproblem, it isbest toseeaSP.OR.T.S.physical therapist to perform an evaluation at which time a more focused approach will really make a difference.

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