King's Business - 1968-11

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Today, more than ever, the precept holds good: train up a child in i the way he should go. There can ji be no better way, there can be w no better book, than the Bible. " C A M B R ID G E U N IV E R S IT Y PRESS, t h ir t y t w o

Camoridqe Bibles

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home r — r ----------------------------------- < THE K ING ’S 1 5 ? ? BUSINESS 13800 B IO LA AV EN U E , LA M IR AD A , C A L IFO R N IA 90638 ^ J

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THE KING'SBUSINESSMagazineisaPublication ofBiolaSchools&Colleges, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor, S. H. Sutherland, Pres., Ray A. Myers, Board Chmn. November/Volume 58/Number 11/Established 1910 CONTENTS ARTICLES: 10 Special Report on King’s Players 12 The Lost Joy ...................................................... 16 The Feast of Firstfruits.......................................LEHMANSTRAUSS 20 Miracle in the Desert ............. ................................. 14 The Thre Duds

the roleof Christianity in the twentieth century


........ ....................................... GORDON HOOKER


29 Light _____________________ 31 The Pastor and Politics_____________

___________ STEPHEN GRAHAM ____ LEWIS C. HOHENSTEIN ________ _____ GLENO’NEAL

A serious and much-needed effort to distinguish "re le ­ v a n c e " in the C h ris tia n Chu rch from a rapproche­ ment with humanism. $ 2.95 A T YO UR BOOKSTORF •U -W ORD Look

34 Practical Theology 36 Innovation in Learning 38 A Runaway Native— Conclusion


............. . ........................


........................... EVELYNCARLISLE 42 A Model Church .............. ..............................WILBUR E. NELSON

FEATURES: 4 Message from the Editor 6 Cult's Critique ............ 20 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box 30 Over a Cup of Coffee 40 Talking It Over 41 ChristianWorker’s Clinic



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S. H. Sutherland EDITOR Al Sanders MANAGING EDITOR Betty Bruechert COPY EDITOR Paul Schwepker TREASURER


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p ^W O RD Looks<

*a message from the editor "

IF Y O U T E A C H ,

T h e t e r m Christian is being used today by men o f almost every imaginable type o f theological thinking. If it were not so des­ perately serious, it would be ludicrous to read what some men who call themselves Christians actually believe. The word has almost as wide a variety o f meanings as there are individuals who dabble around in the Word o f God and who take out o f context some little ethical tidbit upon which they build a pseudo-theological creed and system. Because they use the vocabulary o f the Word o f God, they call themselves Christians. Originally, the term had a very definite connotation. Believers were first called Christians in Antioch, we read in the book o f the Acts o f the Apostles. Many Bible students believe that it was given to these people o f Antioch in derision: "Christ-ians.” However, throughout history, it has become a mark o f world-wide honor and distinction. These Antioch Christians believed certain very vital truths centering about the person and work o f the Lord Jesus Christ. They believed He was God manifest in the flesh. They believed that He died on Calvary’s Cross as an atonement for their sins, and not for theirs only, but also for the sins o f the whole world. They believed He rose the third day from the grave in His resurrection body. They believed He ascended and is presently seated at the right hand o f the throne o f God, making intercession for the saints, and that from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. Before He left, He promised that He would send the Comforter who is identified in Scripture as the Holy Spirit, the third person o f the Trinity. These people o f Antoch were Trinitarians. They believed in one God, eternally manifest in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: one in substance and equal in power and glory. They were not polytheists. They did not believe that there are three gods. Nor were they Unitarians. They did not believe that there is one God and that Jesus Christ was merely a man to show us the way to God, and the Holy Spirit merely the influence o f Jesus Christ living on in the world even to this time. These were the individuals who were first called Christians in Antioch. The name has remained even to the present time. Until this cur­ rent generation the name Christian has always meant pretty much the same as it originally did. O f course, there were certain varia­ tions in doctrine, but essentially the term Christian had a very distinct connotation. That is all changed now. An individual, until recently an Episco­ pal Bishop, openly denies the doctrine o f the Trinity, the virgin birth o f Christ, the bodily resurrection, and all o f the tenets o f THE KING'S BUSINESS

H. C. Brown, Jr., Virtus E. Gideon, David Garland, T . M. Bennett, Curtis Vaughn •B IB L IC A L S U N D A Y S C H O O L C O M M E N T A R Y 1969 C A N H E L P Y O U j T E A C H B E T T ER ! S c rip tu re e x p lo re d and applied for contemporary students. $3.95 per copy— less than a d im e p e r lesson for vital insights and usable Illus­ trations. A vailable w herever lesson commentaries are sold L.' ■WORD Looks

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some choose their college this way! You remember what happened to the three blind mice? Don't shorten your "tale’f l of life’s effectiveness. Selecting the right college is your most important investment for the future. It's easy to become trapped by nibbling at the bait of exaggerated claims. Prayerfully and carefully, look at all of the considerations. Let’s say you're a high school senior. You’re planning on being an engineer or a doctor. Do you know that ABC doesn’t have a single course in math or brain-surg­ ery? The likelihood that we'll ever have anything helping on your pre-med education is highly improbable. We don't even hint at this. But regardless of the vocation or profession to which the Lord may be calling you, there’s one vital consideration: “ How solid is the foundation on which you’ ll be building?" What will happen a year or so from now? Suppose in a biology course somewhere a convincing professor urges you to see that Christianity can be disproven in the test tube? Do you know how to refute arguments like that? And what about outer space? Is there really some force holding things to­ gether? It may not seem likely from the slide rule's calibrations. What does this do to your faith? Too many before you have believed their doubts and doubted their be­ liefs. Take off the "college-selection blind­ fold.” Ask some who have gone through it. A solid Bible foundation is your most im­ portant investment for the future. No mat­ ter where you go, or what you do, nothing can begin to match the years in solid bibli­ cal training you’ll receive at ABC. You know it’s true. Why gamble on such an important matter as your own life's foundation.

BT DR. SAMUEL N. SUTHERLAND / PRESIDENT, BIOIA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, INC. faith that Christians throughout the centuries have held near and dear to their hearts, and for which many laid down their lives. Ordained ministers, calling themselves Christians, are teaching in theological seminaries the insane notion that God is dead. The absolute ultimate is the mda claim o f being a “ Christian atheist!” . The claim o f being a Christian now involves essentially a crusade on behalf o f race equality, elimination o f slums and ghettos, civil rights marches, anti-war demonstrations, burning o f draft cards, picketing induction centers, and making themselves generally obnoxious to the vast majority o f right-thinking people. In many instances all o f this is done in the name o f Christianity. Small wonder then that in the minds o f many, the very concept o f Christianity leaves much to be desired. In the minds o f many indi­ viduals, Christianity has beein tried and has failed. O f course the fact is that Christianity has not been tried nor has it failed. The kingdom that our Lord talked about was not o f this world. Indeed, that was the reason the Jews finally turned against Him. They were looking for their Messiah to come to deliver them from the bondage o f the hated Romans. When our Lord did not preach insurrection against Rome and did not raise an army to overthrow the Roman legions, but instead talked about being "born again,” and taught that His kingdom was not o f this world; when He talked about changing men’s hearts and the manner o f life o f the individual rather than that o f society as a whole; then it was that the people rose up against Him and demanded o f the Roman authorities that He be crucified. It would be a happy situation indeed if all o f these characters who are parading under the banner o f Christianity, these who deny every one o f the significant doctrines o f real Christianity, would disassociate themselves completely from the faith o f our fathers and admit that they are proclaiming something quite foreign to vital Christianity. At least the atmosphere would be cleared. The confusion would be at an end. The army o f the Lord would be smaller, but it would be more potent. Then the voice o f the true Christian could be heard loud and clear instead o f being lost in the rabble-rousing, shouting and tumult which we are hearing on every hand today. We suggest it is the height o f moral and intellectual dishonesty for an individual to prostitute the pulpit o f a Christian church to propagate his totally unchris­ tian ideas and ideology. We believe it is totally unethical to take a few teachings o f Jesus out o f their context to suit the fancy o f the individual and loudly proclaim them to the exclusion o f the Cont. on Page 45


This is no trap. ABC is for those who are concerned about really learning and applying the Bible. Whether a vocation or some Christian min­ istry is in mind, select your future college without a blindfold! It takes only a 6< stamp to request a free descriptive catalog. You be the judge.


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by Betty Brueehert

W h en E rne st H olmes died in April, 1960, at the age o f 72, the Science o f Mind Church of Re­ ligious Science which he founded in 1932 was said to comprise about 100 churches w ith 100,000 members. Doubtless it has grown since then. The cult is strictly a California product, although Holmes was a na­ tive o f Maine. His 667-page volume, Science o f Mind, together with the monthly magazine which he origi­ nated, also entitled Science o f Mind, contain the basic teachings o f the sect. Its terminology so closely re­ sembles that o f Christian Science and Unity that as one plows through Holmes’ huge and dreary volume, he receives the impression that he is reading a slightly recast version of the writings o f Mrs. Eddy or the Fillmores. For example: “ There is something Divine about us . . . Man, the real Man, is birthless, deathless, changeless; and God, as man, in man, is Man. The highest God and the innermost God is One and the same God” ( Science of Mind, p. 388 ); “ The true idea o f money is not material, it is spiritual. . . Daily give thanks for a perfect supply. Feel it to be yours, that you have entered into full possession o f it. See money coming to you from every direction” (p. 44, Science o f Mind mag. June 1957). Indeed, Holmes claim an affinity with such cults: “ This teaching [Oneness o f God and man] . . . is the mainspring o f the teaching o f modern philosophies, such as Unity Teaching, the New Thought M ovem en t, the Occult Teachings, the Esoteric or Inner Teachings, o f our own Religious Science . . .” ( Science o f Mind, p. 640). Although like Unity, the Church o f Religious Science is built on high- sounding affirmations, it is neverthe­ less filled with blasphemous denials of the teachings o f God’s Word. In the July 1955 Science of the Mind magazine, Holmes stated: “ You be­ lieve there is a God and a devil. Well, I don’t believe that. Jesus did not believe in good or bad, God and the devil, heaven and hell” ; “ The only sin is lack o f intelligence. There is no sin but a mistake and no punish­ ment but a consequence” ; “ All the teachings o f hell and damnation and devils is so much nonsense.” In the Metaphysical Glossary in his book,

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Holmes lists his views alphabetical­ ly. Christ is defined as “ the Univer­ sal Idea, the idea o f Sonship, the Perfect Man . . . Christ within each and all” (pp. 57809). Of Death he says: “ The principle of Life cannot know death” (p. 583). Further definitions con d en sed from this 71-page glossary include: “ Devil —the only devil we shall ever know will be that which appears as the result o f our negative thinking, (p. 584 ); HeU — discordant state of being . . . not a location (p. 598); Indwelling Christ — generic man, Real Man (p. 601 ); Indwelling God: The Real Man . . . as much o f God as he is able to embody. . . . The Divine Spark, Birthless, and Death­ less; Salvation —not a thing, not an end, but a Way . . . through Man’s unity with the Whole” (p. 631). Under Saviour, Holmes states that Jesus is “ the great Way— shower to mankind” and continues, “ Let us not waste time, then, in theological dis­ cussions” (p. 631). Jesus is also said to be “ the greatest o f all the mys­ tics,” (p. 344) and “ A Man, distin­ guished from the Christ” (p. 603). As the central teaching o f the cult is that o f Spiritual Mind Healing, metaphysical treatments for 38 dif­ ferent diseases and classes o f ills— from cancer to insanity — are de­ scribed. In addition, there are the inevitable metaphysical charts, medi­ tations reminiscent o f Unity, and details about “ the thing itself, the way it works, what it does, how to use it.” As an author, Holmes was much given to capital letters, not only as most metaphysical writers are for words Truth, Life, Man, etc., but also for complete paragraphs. There is much of pantheism in this teaching: “ Realize God, in and through all, and unity with the Whole” (p. 629) and the Hindu word karma (fate) appears frequently. “ How are we to get it [the Truth] ? Only by penetrating deeper and deeper into our own Divine Nature . . . There is no place except within that we can do it” said Holmes (p. 364, Science o f Mind). References to the mind of man as part o f the uni­ versal mind and absorption into the Whole remind one o f the Buddhist Nirvana, the cessation o f existence. This is a fearful and confused cult completely given to ontology, and containing not one single soul-saving tenet. It is another “ do-it-yourself” religion, denying th e s a lv a tio n Christ accomplished fo r us. It has no substitutionary Saviour, no shed blood, no heaven, no peace, no real love o f God. Those who follow it are “ without God and without hope” in this world and in the world to come.

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Boldness, the magnificent essence of apostolic preaching, demanded author­ ity, The Bible is the authority. Many schools may encourage you to study about the scripture. W e study it! But thatfs because our emphasis is apostolic boldness. Interested?

M R . R O B E R T D e i VRIES, formerly Edi- | tor-in-Chief of Moody Press, has been ap- a ™ pointed Director of Publications for the Zondervan Publishing House. His new posi­ tion will begin N o­ vember 1 o f th is Mr. DeVries year. TOM SK INNER , evangelist and founder of the Tom Skinner Crusades, Inc., pub­ lished his first book, Black and Free. He tells his own life story of growing up in the Harlem ghetto, and shares his convictions on the moral drift of this country and the breakdown in communi­ cation between the white and black races. The book was published by Zondervan. DAVID E. NELSON of Ogilvie, Minne­ sota, a M o o d y Bible Institute flight trainee, was killed in an accident near Woodbine, Tennessee. This was the first fatal training accident in the Institute's missionary technical training program ’s twenty-two years existence. Hundreds of young men have received their flight training at MBI and are serving in all parts of the world in missionary service. Medical Assistance Programs, Inc. will sponsor the 5th International Convention on Missionary Medicine (ICM M ) which will meet Dec. 27-30, 1968 on the Whea­ ton College Campus. One thousand par­ ticipants are expected. The American Bible S o c ie t y an­ nounced the dates for National Bible Week for October 20-27. WALLACE E. JO H N S O N , president of Holiday Inns of America, Inc., was chairman of National Bible Week. He is also chairman of the Bible Society's Worldwide Bible Reading program w h i c h continues through Thanksgiving. Scripture Press Foundation of Glen Ellyn, III. conducted its Fall semester of Leadership Training Institutes on the Biola College Campus in La Mirada, Calif. More than 250 students were scheduled to attend the sessions which began Octo­ ber 7. MELVIN A. JO N E S , Associate Director of Back to the Bible Broadcast, has an­ nounced that the program is now being released over three stations in Indonesia. The broadcast is heard over 506 stations. DR. RUSSELL SHEDD, missionary to Brazil, joined the faculty of the Conserva­ tive Baptist Theological Seminary, Den­ ver, Colorado, for this year. He- will teach several courses in New Testament. The seminary began its nineteenth year on a new 12-acre campus in South Denver.

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The REV. DAVID M . HOWARD has been appointed Missionary Director of Inter- Varsity Christian Fellowship. He is on loan from the Latin America Mission for a three-year period, beginning Decem­ ber 1. A veteran of fifteen years’ m is­ sionary service in Colombia and Costa Rica, he is currently Assistant General Director of the Latin America Mission. Th e Central American Mission held the first international pastors’ retreat in July. More than 260 shepherd-teachers, repre­ senting a constituency of 50,000, gath­ ered for five days in Guatemala. The focus was on the pastor and his m in­ istry. CAM officials plan to conduct a sim ilar retreat within two years. DR. E V ER E TT S. GRAFFAM , Executive Vice President of the World Relief Com ­ mission, delivered the first thousand of a projected 50,000 blankets to refugees in Vietnam. While there he also made ar­ rangements for purchase and delivery of another 5,500. Vietnam was one stop on a fifteen-country tour to survey and ap­ praise the work of WRC.

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Dr. Everett S. Graffam of the World Relief Commission, Inc., distributing blankets on his recent trip to Vietnam. Radio Station ELWA has forty thou­ sand radios in Accra, capitol of Ghana, and tuned in to it every day, according to a recent audience survey. This represents nearly 10 percent of the city’s population. The programs are transmitted in Tw i and Ewe (Ghana’s two main dialects) and English. They are taped in Ghana, and sent to ELWA in Liberia for release. Re­ cently Phillips of Holland established as­ sembly plants in Congo and Ivory Coast, providing inexpensive transistor radios throughout the continent. ELWA is the radio arm of the Sudan Interior Mission. DR. JO SEPH HORNESS, Michigan busi­ nessman, has been elected chairman of Th e Evangelical Alliance Mission’s Board of Directors. He has served on T E A M ’S board for 20 years. At one time he also served as chairman of the Board of Child Evangelism Fellowship International. R OB ER T G O LTER , Wheaton College li­ brarian, has resigned to accept a posi­ tion at Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif. Librarian at the college since 1957, Mr. Goiter will be assistant director of university libraries at Stanford.

Write for the illustrated booklet, “Christian Career Guide.” Director of Admissions, Dept. 11K8 MOODY BIBLE IN S T I TU TE

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Special Report on: m mi KjNG’S PLAYERS V

the gold one leading to heaven. “ The others find the horrible realization of a Christless eternity,” Mr. Cook explains. “ The play is a full drama pro­ duction, and it is accented by complete lighting and sound effects. These make a tremendous impact on the people,” he observed. “ There is no question but that everyone viewing the presentation will have to decide for himself then and there whether he will choose heaven or hell. He is grasped with the real­ ization that after death it will be forever too late.” After the play had been presented throughout the Southern California area, Filipinos were con­ sulted on possible script changes. “We wanted to make certain that some of the familiar sayings to us in America could be matched with their own idioms,” Rev. Cook suggested. “This had a real effect on the peoples in the various countries to which we were privileged to go.” More than 25,000 miles were covered in 57 days. In the Philippines, Okinawa, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Guam and Hawaii, per­ formances were given in high schools, colleges and universities, army bases, hospitals (before men wounded in Viet Nam), orphanages and prisons. The group was interviewed over radio and televi­ sion, and presented the play in its entirety over two of the Filipino TV facilities. In a struggle to become literate, people were anxious to see the group from America. One man traveled by bus and train six and a half hours one way that he might “ improve his English.” In the

S l e e p in g PILLS seemed to be the answer,” a young Chinese girl confessed. “ I took an over­ dose to end everything. Instead I ended up in a hospital for a week. In a way, I’m glad it hap­ pened. It made it possible for me to see the play, ‘Revolt at the Portals’ put on by the American young people. My whole life has been changed. Now, instead of thinking o f my problems, I’m thinking o f Jesus!” Comments o f this type were heard throughout Southeast Asia as 10 members of the Biola Col­ lege drama team, known as ‘‘The King’s Players,” presented more than 78 performances in seven countries. “Raising the money themselves, the stu­ dents realized the opportunity before them,” Rev. Clyde Cook, director of Missions for Biola, and faculty advisor for the trip, pointed out. “None of us will ever be the same after having seen the unique way in which the Lord blessed this distinc­ tive ministry.” “ Revolt at the Portals” is an allegory o f events which supposedly might transpire after death. Into the office of Mr. Peters come different individuals who have died in various ways. It is very easy to identify the different types of people such as R. A. Tycoon who thinks that his money will buy him almost anything. An atheist, a “ do-gooder,” a mod adventurer, are a few of the others who are fea­ tured. When the forms have been filled out for Mr. Peters, each of the people must go through one of the two awaiting doors. Only one is able to open



meeting he attended, he was the first to make a spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ. During the two months more than 2000 others did likewise. “A performance like this is about ten times as effective as straight preaching,” observed one sea­ soned missionary. Plans have been made for the play to be translated into the various languages so that the nationals in each country can present it to their own people. Mr. Cook, who was formerly a missionary in the Philippines with Overseas Crusades, has sug­ gested that the outreach has given the Christians in these countries the boldness and conviction to witness to others concerning their faith. “ It was worth it all,” Mr. Cook commented, “when we heard people come forward and say, ‘Thank you for shar­ ing your light with us.’ ” Sue Wallis from Riverside, California, a Senior at Biola, summarized the expressions of the young people themselves: “This summer has been the greatest time in my life. For the last several years I’ve said, ‘Well, Lord, if you want me to, I’ll be a missionary.’ I really thought I meant it. Now I’m excited about going, not just willing. It’s just the greatest thing in the whole world if the Lord desires and directs. Over there you can see so much that never comes across in the classroom, or even with missionaries’ slides. I’m looking forward to going back some day soon!” Director of the drama team is Mr. Steve Terrell. The arrangements in the various countries were worked out in cooperation with Overseas Crusades, Officers Christian Union, Overseas Christian Serv­ icemen’s Centers, Hong Kong Baptist College, Over­ seas Mission Fellowship, Conservative Baptist For­ eign Mission Society, and others. Students partici­ pating in addition to Miss Wallis were: Lois Fischer, Palos Verdes; Rayna McGuyre, Pomona; Sue Myers, La Canada; Doug Dudgen, Audubon, Iowa; Bob Eitzen, Inglewood; Elynda Merril, El Cajon; Rolie Walker, Whittier; Jim Johnson, Glendora; Roberta Patrick, San Bernardino.



“Restare unto me the joy o f thy salvation (Psa. 51:12)

critics ridiculed Wesley and Moody but they had no answer for that singing! We have lost our joy today and the experts aren’t helping us any. We need to return to old- fashioned preaching, prayer and praise. A resur­ gence of that would sweep everything before it. Liberalism, cold o r th od o x y and worldliness wouldn’t have a chance. We are trying to create a substitute for true joy with hill-billy religious rag­ time, jazz in the churches, off-beat rhythm in young people’s meetings, weird extremism in fanatic groups rolling in the hay and foaming at the mouth. Even in more conventional circles, song leaders try to whip up a joy that isn’t there. This joy of the Lord is not a matter of noise. The early American revivals on the frontiers in the old camp-meetings were accompanied by shout­ ing and singing that could be heard for miles around. The Welsh Revival set the nation singing. But the Scottish and English people couldn’t be expected to demonstrate like the Welsh. It is a matter of temperament. Dr. A. J. Gordon’s great Boston church rang with the songs o f a Spirit- filled congregation but they didn’t clap their hands and yell, “ Hallelujah!” The joy o f the Lord must not be confused with hootenanny and hullabaloo excitement under reli­ gious auspices but if we have another awakening it will come among common people with old-fashioned preaching, prayer and praise. After all, not many wise, mighty and noble are called. When the church majors on and glories in wealth, education, pres­ tige and aristocracy, God writes Ichabod over our mausoleums and starts over with plain people on the other side of the railroad tracks. We are developing a type of super-intellectual who sits in our meetings in stratospheric isolation, looking down from Mount Olympus with a pale smile and lofty condescension, so full of the new

T h is is n o t o n l y t h e p r a y e r of a repentant back­ slider ; it is also a petition the church might well make today. The New Testament is a glad book. It begins with the song of angels and ends with the chorus o f a redeemed throng around the Throne of God. The Gospel is good news and glad tidings of great joy. Our Lord’s characteristic greeting was “Be of good cheer.” He spoke of His joy that should remain in us, His kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost; Paul bade us, “Rejoice evermore.” Before Jesus came, the world’s music was largely in a minor key. Pagan music is not glad music. There are few joyful faces in Russia. I re­ member my visit, years ago, to the Russian exhibit at a World’s Fair. The minute I walked in, I felt that I was in the ante-room to hell. The world has no joy, only revelry, the hilarity o f animal spirits and bottled spirits. The rock-and-roll of the beat­ niks is the devil’s joy, demonic excitement from hell by way of the jungle. If we eliminated poverty, there would still be no real joy. Some of earth’s most miserable souls are millionaires. Principal J. P. Jacks wrote years ago about “ The Lost Radiance o f the Christian Faith.” The church has lost much of the joy of salvation. The early Christians rejoiced even when they faced violent death because they were counted worthy to suffer shame for the name of Christ. The great revivals set people rejoicing. The Wesleyan Awak­ ening gave England a song as John Wesley preached and Charles Wesley sang the Gospel. When Moody visited Great Britain, someone wrote: “ It seemed as though someone had set to music a tune that had been haunting thousands o f ears.” The churches had been cold and unhappy following a period of strife known as the Disruption. They had lost the joy of salvation. They didn’t need an expert; they needed an evangelist. Skeptics and



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theology that he is drying up on the vine. When I see them in my congregation, I feel like offering a special prayer in their behalf. When David brought back the ark with great rejoicing, his wife Michal despised him and God struck her with bar­ renness. A church that despises rejoicing before the Lord is already barren. When Jesus cleansed the temple and the lame and blind were healed and the children were rejoicing, the Pharisees com­ plained. Pharisees of any day and generation grum­ ble at the joy of the Lord. If we get too many of that sort in our number, we’ve had our day. We have lost our joy because we are backslid­ den. David lost his joy when he fell into adultery. James writes: “Ye adulterers and adultresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?” The Christian who loves and courts this world is as guilty of spiritual adultery as ever David was guilty of physical adultery. We live in captivity, carried into exile by the world, the flesh and the devil. We cannot sing the Lord’s song in a strange land (Psa. 137:4). We need to get back to the Beulah Land o f fellowship with God and when our souls are restored, our song will return. How do we return? By repenting as David did, with godly sorrow for sin. Then, when the joy of salvation is restored and we are upheld by God’s Spirit, we are ready to teach transgressors God’s ways and sinners shall be converted unto Him. This is evangelism but it follows revival. Too many Christians and churches are trying to advertise something they do not have. Everything is in the show window with nothing in stock. We have a form of godliness without the power . . . and with­ out the joy. The next revival will not come through panel discussions of theologians and the clever promotion of religious experts. It will come through old-fashioned preaching, prayer and praise.



I b e l o n g e d to the 8th Battalion of the Australian Im p e r ia l Forces of World War I. I joined my battalion on Gallipoli not very long before the evacuation, when all the forces occupying that fate­ ful peninsula, the Dardanelles, were secretly withdrawn without a casualty. For several months after this we were encamped on the Greek island of Lemnos. Then we were sent to the Suez Canal to guard it from possible Turkish attacks. However, this failed to eventuate, and as a result we were soon transshipped to the Western Front. Our cheers were loud and long when our General announced this plan to the assembled thou­ sands o f “Aussies.” We had had more than enough o f desert sands and intense heat. For a time after our arrival in Europe, we were attached to Eng­ lish divisions, but later we oper- ated as a total Australian Army Corps. We were subjected there to various Fronts, and progres­ sively to “hotter” spots in succes­ sion. Soon we were veterans, along with later reinforcements, o f regular trench-life as it was on that very long European battle front. The great Battle of the Somme meant the uprooting of the enemy’s trench system which he had built up and held almost since the beginning of the war. Our enemy was entrenched in deep underground rooms, s tr o n g ly built and fortified, large enough to shelter a great number of men!; What a mammoth task it was for the Allies to attack these strong­ holds, and get the enemy on the run! History tells the story of the ghastly sacrifice necessary to bring this about. As is always the case, it was the offensive who carry the main burden of the con­ flict. Transportation in those days meant a daily march, carrying full packs for a great distance, to toughen us up physically for the coming ordeal. The Somme cam-






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any minute. While waiting, we were grateful for some shelter in the deep German dugout. Tempo­ rary security was sweet indeed, but expecting any minute to be summoned to go forward into that inferno was depressing beyond words. How we tried to stave off our fear! We seldom spoke. We longed with an infinite longing for the war to end that minute! An intended attack that night got us several hundred yards forward to a certain starting point. There was no “ front line” on occasions such as this, for obvious reasons. All the tem p o ra ry protection from small arms fire was shell- holes. Even on the way up, shells came so close we had to duck to avoid them. I managed to duck into a shell-hole but a chap was already there. I touched him and spoke, but there was no answer; he was stone-dead. Some time be­ fore this he had aimed, but a bul­ let got him first, and there he lay. My company was in the first wave. At a given signal, we ad­ vanced. It was too dark to see far ahead, except that the enemy’s Verey lights (star shells) flared almost continuously. Over the rough terrain we stumbled. Some­ how the enemy got wind of our coming and we could see them dimly here and there retreating, not too far ahead of us. How far we were to go I never found out, for a shell exploded just behind some of us. The terrific force of it pitched another chap and me headlong into a big shell-hole. This chap said “ I’m done!” which were his last words. I was sure my leg was blown off. It went numb, and all I could see, as I lay there, was one leg. After recov­ ering a bit, I took a cautious look at the lip o f the shell crater, but no leg was to be seen! Where was it? It should be somewhere in sight! I began to examine my condition and discovered that my leg (the missing one) was tucked under me, apparently lifeless. I saw a hole in front o f my knee, but realizing that the shell burst behind me, I knew that the shell Cont. on Page UU

paign had begun, the artillery on both sides hammering day and night without cessation, with its dreadful toll of human life and suifering, as the enemy fought to the limit for ev e ry inch of ground. True, we knew by the ex­ perience of previous but lesser battles, the strain of bombard­ ments, raids, casualties, and all that goes on at the Front, but this was different. This was ALL OUT! As daily and hourly we drew nearer the Somme Front, with the sounds of battle ever in­ creasing (artillery can be heard a long way off), a sickening fear gripped us. Finally we arrived at the city of Albert, well-known through­ out this region for its hanging Madonna, which, being struck by an enemy shell, hung head down from the steeple, and could be seen easily from a distance. We were now on the verge of our part in the fury just ahead of us. Words fail to describe the emo­ tions in realizing that “ this is it!” What possible chance did anyone have of coming out alive from this inferno o f raging battle and continuing a r t ille r y bombard­ ment? That last evening at Albert a group of us whose background was the church, the Bible, and a trust in God, got together, spread ourselves on the ground like wheel-spokes and read, alternate­ ly, two Scripture passages. One was Psalm 91, a verse of which read: “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand: but it shall not come nigh thee.” How we all clung to that promise, even though hope for survival seemed remote in­ deed ! That same evening we marched toward the Flame. Our route took us through Albert (entirely de­ serted of civilians) right under the hanging Madonna and out into the country beyond, through the lines o f our own artillery, first the batteries of the real “ heavies,” the howitzers, and fur­ ther on the various field guns, all their crews ceaselessly feeding

them shells, deluging enemy ter­ ritory with a rain of fire. Even though a deadly fear and a kind of hopeless dread filled my heart, I’ll never forget the awful gran­ deur of the scene. Miles of terri­ tory were alive with all the forces of battle turned loose as thou­ sands of guns of all caliber poured a ceaseless tornado of shells into enemy lines. It was the sight and sound of a lifetime! So it was for many thousands of men who nev­ er returned from the hell into which we were plunging. That night we spent (a few hours of it) in chalk pits trying to get some sleep, at least trying to forget the scenes of the walk­ ing wounded and those being borne away on stretchers — lines and lines o f them. They were be­ ing taken out of i t : we were fac­ ing the fury. We envied them! Next morning we arrived at our temporary post, which was a captured German outpost, greets ed by sights such as that of dead men lying about. One scene still sticks in my memory—of a chap shattered by a shell. Pieces o f his body were held together by the frayed straps of his belt and equipment. A ham lying nearly, and other signs of food, bespoke the arrival of a previous ration party that did not quite “ arrive” ere an enemy shell got them. Or­ dinarily we would have had a glorious time with that ham, but who could eat under these condi­ tions ? Appetite for food was gone. Life was distorted. This was a picture o f hell with the constant dread shadow of a violent death at any moment. Devastation ex­ tended as far as the eye could see, although we were not yet ac­ tually in action. This was at Pozieres, which by now was nothing but red brick- dust and a few smashed trees. Roads were obliterated. What a scene of utter destruction and desolation! What a monster war is! Our position was on a slight eminence, and the country, as far as the eye could see, was nothing but millions o f shell-holes! We expected to be called into action



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