King's Business - 1968-11

p W O R D b o o k s *= | H OW T O SPEAK SO PEOPLE WILL LISTEN $ 3.95 Ronald L. W illin gham THE AWESOME

POWER OF THE LISTENING EAR $ 3.50 John D rakeford

Learning to communicate is the first step to personal ful­ fillment. In both private con­ versation and public speaking, communication is the basic purpose. An experienced com­ municator shares valuable in­ sight. The other, often overlooked, side of communication is lis­ tening. With interesting anec­ dote and delightful style, Dr. Drakeford emphasizes how you can achieve personal goals through learning how to listen. W O R D b o o b s

t h e difficult position of the ■ pastor today is his role in the social and political revolution. “ To be or not to be,” is more than a poetic line f rom Shakespeare. History is replete with examples of almost every possible position. The pastor can look objectively at these examples and see the errors and values in them, but the problem is due to the terrific pressures that are upon him to take a position and declare it. On very tenable moral and spir­ itual grounds a pastor might be in violent opposition to a political ideology now in force or being proposed. However, if he joins an opposition force and lends his weight of support, very likely he will find that the alternative is no improvement over what he is against, and the real problem arises when people equate Chris­ tianity with the position taken by Christian leadership. The present-day church leader­ ship that is being heard, or at least what the press thinks the world wants to hear, has so iden­ tified itself with the liberal socio­ politico struggle that the unbeliev­ ing world equates this struggle with Christianity, while in truth m o s t

their “ Christianity” is merely a facade to make this social ideology acceptable to a naive public. Then, on the other hand, for a variety o f reasons, certain church leaders organize violent opposition movements to these social and political movements. Then there are strong pressures brought to bear upon the evan­ gelical pastor to identify himself with these groups. They general­ ly represent certain areas o f gos­ pel work that he does and must support. Their promotion value seems to be in the negativeness of their approach rather than the positiveness of their a n s w e r . Strangely, any “ anti” movement seems to enlist followers. The pas­ tor finds that in identifying with such groups or movements that he must buy the entire package. Then instead of expanding his ministry and outreach, he limits it to an ever-narrowing c ons t i tuency . Through the years, crusades and causes of one kind or another have wooed and won evangelical support. When the cause or cru­ sade wanes and is gone, the influ­ ence and power o f the church in the community wanes and fades also. The pastor must be careful




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