King's Business - 1968-11

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I N THE SPRING OP 1962 Pastor Wilbur Nelson returned from Gospel meetings in the east, feel­ ing a definite call to resume his pastoral ministry. He had left the pastorate of the Church By the Side of the Road, the Evangelical Free Church of Wheaton, Illinois, in 1959, to engage in evangelistic, Bible conference and radio minis­ try. However, now, after three years o f such work, he was cer­ tain that the Lord was leading to a pastoral ministry once again. After exhaustive searching for an adequate meeting place, the Pathfinder Women's Club audito­ rium in Compton, California, was secured as temporary quarters. The first public services were con­ ducted on June 10, 1962, and the new church had begun its minis­ try. In May o f 1964, after further extensive searching, property was purchased in Paramount, Califor­ nia, and plans for the church structure were drawn. After long and difficult delays, construction began in April of 1966 and the congregation occupied Wes l ey Hall, one o f the assembly rooms, on December 4, 1966, carrying on its work with handicaps but with great happiness. The first service in the sanctuary was on Easter, March 26, 1967. The growth of Metropolitan Bible Church, since these beautiful facilities have been completed, has been dra­ matic and exciting. Each depart­ ment of the work has been en­

sium, dining hall and assembly hall. Miss Hazel Collins, long asso­ ciated with Biola Schools in a teaching ministry, has served for several years as Director of Christian Education, on a part- time basis. The projected growth of the church indicates, however, that soon it will be necessary to engage a full-time worker in this field. Much o f the work of the church is done by volunteers. No custo­ dian is employed. The men o f the church give of their time to the preparation of the building for the Sunday services. Volunteer sponsors of youth groups, etc., perform faithfully and with great competence. The church’s first Missions Week took place the first of October, at which time an aggressive program of missionary support and investment was ini­ tiated. In such a time of defec­ tion and apostasy as this in which we live, it is the purpose and prayer of Metropolitan Bib le Church that it may be a light shining in a dark age.

abled to realize the fulfillment of desires and hopes kept alive in spite of the disadvantages under which the congregation labored for so long. The spacious, beautiful and air- conditioned sanctuary was dedi­ cated on Sunday afternoon, June 11, 1967. The happy pastor and people are rejoicing in their privi­ lege of ministering in their com­ munity in such attractive quar­ ters. The congregation has tripled since leaving the Club building. Pastor Nelson, when asked for the reason for this impres s i ve growth, explains it by saying that it was, first of all, the leading of God; second, the blessing of God; and, certainly, the fact that God has sent to the church a most wonderful company of loyal and enthusiastic people. The choir has grown from a membership of a dozen to more than thirty-five and is directed by Robert Anthony, a gifted and con­ secrated young musician. The pastor’s wife, Ethyl, serves as or­ ganist of the church and the pian­ ist is Miss Doris Thompson. These gifted accompanists have been heard for many years on the Morning Chapel Hour, Pastor Nelson’s radio ministry, which is heard across America. A radio building has just been completed, housing the offices and studios of the Morning Chapel Hour. Scheduled for construction next is a large activities building, containing a combination gymna­



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