King's Business - 1968-11


EDITORIAL continued from pg 5— great body o f truth which our Lord proclaimed. Uncertain trumpets are sounding in every quarter. Small wonder then that the ordinary per­ son is completely confused in the midst of this babble o f sound and fury! The so-called social gospel has taken over for the true Gospel. There are social implications of the gos­ pel, but the Word of God repeatedly emphasizes th e f a c t that social change will only come about when there is first a definite change in the hearts of individuals. To try to leg­ islate morality, race eqality, civil rights and all o f the other ideological programs which are being propagat­ ed today in the name o f Christianity is completely futile. This can only come about when men’s hearts are changed, when their desires become different, when their aspirations are completely altered, and when their outlook is supplanted by the uplook as we look unto Jesus, the author and finisher o f our faith. Only then will we be able to realize that those are aspirations fo r which men long but which so many of them are find­ ing it impossible to achieve. Of course, men can believe whatever they want to, but it is certainly blas­ phemous for non-Christians to try to propagate their nefarious notions from pulpits dedicated to the high and holy calling o f the proclamation of the glorious Gospel o f our Lord Jesus Christ, thus taking advantage of those untaught in God’s Word who cannot distinguish the false from the true. HU

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Divinity can never sink To level of humanity, Although through union made in Christ Man may have immortality. The loneliness, the cross He bore, Complying with His Father's plan— Could only be because His all Reached out in tenderness to man. When Deity has bent so low— Oh that all souls could plainly see The heart of God— exposed, laid bare, In utter love at Calvary! . Time is impatient in her flight, But God still hears the trusting cry; He will reach down to take your hand That you may dwell with Him on High!

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— Esther Belle Heins Lynwood, California



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