King's Business - 1968-11

some choose their college this way! You remember what happened to the three blind mice? Don't shorten your "tale’f l of life’s effectiveness. Selecting the right college is your most important investment for the future. It's easy to become trapped by nibbling at the bait of exaggerated claims. Prayerfully and carefully, look at all of the considerations. Let’s say you're a high school senior. You’re planning on being an engineer or a doctor. Do you know that ABC doesn’t have a single course in math or brain-surg­ ery? The likelihood that we'll ever have anything helping on your pre-med education is highly improbable. We don't even hint at this. But regardless of the vocation or profession to which the Lord may be calling you, there’s one vital consideration: “ How solid is the foundation on which you’ ll be building?" What will happen a year or so from now? Suppose in a biology course somewhere a convincing professor urges you to see that Christianity can be disproven in the test tube? Do you know how to refute arguments like that? And what about outer space? Is there really some force holding things to­ gether? It may not seem likely from the slide rule's calibrations. What does this do to your faith? Too many before you have believed their doubts and doubted their be­ liefs. Take off the "college-selection blind­ fold.” Ask some who have gone through it. A solid Bible foundation is your most im­ portant investment for the future. No mat­ ter where you go, or what you do, nothing can begin to match the years in solid bibli­ cal training you’ll receive at ABC. You know it’s true. Why gamble on such an important matter as your own life's foundation.

BT DR. SAMUEL N. SUTHERLAND / PRESIDENT, BIOIA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, INC. faith that Christians throughout the centuries have held near and dear to their hearts, and for which many laid down their lives. Ordained ministers, calling themselves Christians, are teaching in theological seminaries the insane notion that God is dead. The absolute ultimate is the mda claim o f being a “ Christian atheist!” . The claim o f being a Christian now involves essentially a crusade on behalf o f race equality, elimination o f slums and ghettos, civil rights marches, anti-war demonstrations, burning o f draft cards, picketing induction centers, and making themselves generally obnoxious to the vast majority o f right-thinking people. In many instances all o f this is done in the name o f Christianity. Small wonder then that in the minds o f many, the very concept o f Christianity leaves much to be desired. In the minds o f many indi­ viduals, Christianity has beein tried and has failed. O f course the fact is that Christianity has not been tried nor has it failed. The kingdom that our Lord talked about was not o f this world. Indeed, that was the reason the Jews finally turned against Him. They were looking for their Messiah to come to deliver them from the bondage o f the hated Romans. When our Lord did not preach insurrection against Rome and did not raise an army to overthrow the Roman legions, but instead talked about being "born again,” and taught that His kingdom was not o f this world; when He talked about changing men’s hearts and the manner o f life o f the individual rather than that o f society as a whole; then it was that the people rose up against Him and demanded o f the Roman authorities that He be crucified. It would be a happy situation indeed if all o f these characters who are parading under the banner o f Christianity, these who deny every one o f the significant doctrines o f real Christianity, would disassociate themselves completely from the faith o f our fathers and admit that they are proclaiming something quite foreign to vital Christianity. At least the atmosphere would be cleared. The confusion would be at an end. The army o f the Lord would be smaller, but it would be more potent. Then the voice o f the true Christian could be heard loud and clear instead o f being lost in the rabble-rousing, shouting and tumult which we are hearing on every hand today. We suggest it is the height o f moral and intellectual dishonesty for an individual to prostitute the pulpit o f a Christian church to propagate his totally unchris­ tian ideas and ideology. We believe it is totally unethical to take a few teachings o f Jesus out o f their context to suit the fancy o f the individual and loudly proclaim them to the exclusion o f the Cont. on Page 45


This is no trap. ABC is for those who are concerned about really learning and applying the Bible. Whether a vocation or some Christian min­ istry is in mind, select your future college without a blindfold! It takes only a 6< stamp to request a free descriptive catalog. You be the judge.


3025 W. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, Ariz.

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