The PUNCHLINE Annual 2020

Providing specialist accountancy, tax and business advice to individuals and businesses of all shapes and sizes. Last year we celebrated our centenary by raising £100,000 for Maggie’s and volunteering in the local community. To find out more about the people who make Hazlewoods, visit our website: Your local business advisers

Email: Call: 01242 237661

HazlewoodsLLP isaLimitedLiabilityPartnershipregistered inEnglandandWaleswithnumberOC311817.Registeredoffice:StavertonCourt,Staverton,Cheltenham, Gloucestershire,GL510UX.A listofLLPpartners isavailablefor inspectionateachoffice.HazlewoodsLLP isregisteredtocarryonauditwork intheUKandregulated forarangeof investmentbusinessactivitiesbytheInstituteofCharteredAccountants inEngland&Wales.

2 | February 2020 | www. punchline-gloucester .com

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