The PUNCHLINE Annual 2020


Giants of engineering draw crowds to training showcase

Gloucestershire Engineering Training’s annual apprenticeship open day drew the crowds again. The GET showcase boasted names like Renishaw, Delphi Technologies, Safran, G-TEM (G-TEKT Europe Manufacturing LTD), Future Advanced Manufacturing and its own reputation as the go-to training academy for them all. Also working the floor were Majorlift Hydraulic Equipment Ltd, Textron, Trelleborg the University of Gloucestershire, Mira, Ontic, Textron, Spirax Sarco, Future Advanced, LRS (Lucozade Ribena Suntory), Safran Landing System Services, Safran Landing Systems,Trelleborg, G-TEM, LB Bentley, Kohler Mira and the University of Gloucestershire l For more information visit or call 01425 423461

Salah Al-Majeed, Zainab Loukil, David Plummer from Uni of Glos

KerryWhitby and Matt Rust, G-TEM

George Richards and Jess Powell from Textron

George Lock, Rob Taylor, Mark Barton and Adam Smith from Kohler Mira

Kevin Archer, GET

Stuart McLaren,AndrewWalton, Erica Phelpstead and Sian Matthews GET

72 | February 2020 | www. punchline-gloucester .com

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