What is Character? Character is to a man what the flywheel is to the engine. By the force of its momentum, it carries him through times of temptations and trials and exerts a guiding and controlling influence over his life. It is this force that makes an individual “do the right thing” even though “no one will know.” When a person has lost Character, he has lost everything! If he possesses nothing else but Character, he can still be of service to himself, his friends, neighbors, to society, to his God, and to the rest of the world. There is a difference between Character and Reputation. Character is what a man is. Reputation is what others think he is. Character is within; Reputation is without. Character is always real! Reputation can be false! It is important to distinguish between the two. Character is the thing that counts most; yet most people are more concerned with reputation and what others think of them. It is important, above everything else, that we be right and do right, whether our motives and actions are properly understood and appreciated or not. An absolute consecration and devotion of self to all that is better, purer and truer, is the secret of Character building. By a consuming zeal for all that is noble and excellent, we grow in Character. Material riches may get a man into what is known as “high society,” but to be esteemed by his fellowman, one needs to possess the qualities of heart and soul; otherwise he is money rich and noting more. Many a man who is called rich here will find that all his millions will not buy him a seat in the land where Character - not Gold - is legal tender!
Toastmasters 1983 Speaker’s Trophy - by Marilyn D. Noyes
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