About the University of Sussex
About the University of Sussex
Our lecturers deliver pro- grammes of study that inspire students to develop the skills that make their education count, and that give them the confidence to make their mark in their chosen field. Our staff conduct original re- search to explore the great questions of our age. Their find- ings impact policy and practice for businesses, NGOs and gov- ernments, ensuring that Sus- sex students are also at the forefront of knowledge in their subject. Creative thinking, pedagogic diversity, intellectual challenge and interdisciplinary have al- ways been fundamental to a Sussex education. The University’s goal is to de- liver teaching and learning pro- grammes that are informed by current research, are attrac- tive to students from all soci- oeconomic and cultural back- grounds, and which deliver skills for life. The University is committed to widening access for students from lower-income families, and awards a high number of scholarships and other types of financial support.
ther partner alone. • Professionalism, by uphold- ing freedom of academic en- quiry, undertaking activities in a responsible manner using robust, transparent processes and maintaining professional standards in the conduct of all academic and support activities. • Equality, diversity and in- clusion, by making appoint- ments and developing en- try routes to the University based on educational merit, and valuing the strengths derived fromcontributions to our mission by people from different backgrounds, traditions, cultures and per- spectives. • Service, in which members of the Sussex communi- ty seek to use their skills and talents to contribute to local, national and interna- tional communities and or- ganisations. Our Sussex 2025 vision reima- gines the pioneering spirit of the original purpose of our University but does so for new times and a new generation. Discover our vision at https://www.sussex.ac.uk/ strategy/
In pursuing our mission, we cel- ebrate the values of: • Excellence, through a com- mitment to delivering the highest standards of re- search, scholarship, teach- ing and learning, in order to provide a dynamic and stimulating environment for students and staff, and to maximise their social and economic contribution to societies. • Interdisciplinary, through tackling multidimensional problems, while maintaining a strong, broadly based set of disciplines across the arts and humanities, so- cial sciences, sciences and medicine engagement, by actively seeking an external and international approach to all our activities. • Challenge, in which all members of the Sussex community are prepared to explore creatively the sta- tus quo and alternatives, within the context of excel- lence and professionalism, and to seek to make posi- tive change in society. • Partnership, by developing sustained relationships that bring together comple- mentary skills and resourc- es to create mutual benefit and to deliver impact that cannot be achieved by ei-
Since our foundation in 1961, Sussex has valued – and encourages – a pioneering spirit. We’ve pushed for change, and demanded more, creating a better future for individuals and communities all over the world.
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