King's Business - 1910-02

having therefore obtained help of God I continue to this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which He has made known to me, in His Holy Book, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and that He is coming again in glory and majesty to reign on the earth. Grace be unto you who love our Sa- vior Jesus Christ, and who long for His coming. CARLOS V. MENDOZA. Impetus has been given to our Jew- ish work through the ministry of our brother, Mark Lev, whose presence in the city has proven a great blessing. A meeting of Jews was held, last month, in our auditorium, attended by nearly forty—a goodly number. The friends of Israel were also present. After a brief service of song, ,Mr. Lev friade a most interesting address, speaking in English, Yiddish, German and Russian. A social time followed, when light re- freshments were served. Many hearts were deeply moved. Mrs. Manson, OUT Jewish leader, is greatly encouraged in her work. Evangelistic. . Mr. Hadden is taking a little recrea- tion from his class work and conduct- ing a series of meetings in Anaheim. Mr. J. R. Pratt is in Fullerton, preaching the Gospel and giving the truth to believers. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson had a very successful meeting in Hawthorne and are how in Willow Grove. Mr. McClurkin closed a series of suc- cessful services in Downey and is now with our Brother Harris in his church at Barstow. Messrs. Lowe and Sloan have had some tough experiences in the oil fields, during the past month; the rain, snow and mud have made traveling hard, but they are men of endurance and rejoice in the privilege of carrying the Good News to the men who are without any spiritual privileges. Some of the Young People's Societies are using our Timely Topics for their meetings. We expect to give more space to these topics and make them as helpful as possible.

HAS THE CHURCH LOST HER FIRST LOVE? One of the most eminent German theologians, one who wrote a volume entitled "Wh at Is Christianity?" and who might be supposed to know, says that "Christ is not a part of Chris- tianity," by which he means that we can and could be Christians without Christ. So Dr. W. H. Ward has written " The essential thing is not the person of Christ, not the death of Christ, but the teachings in word and a c t ." . . . "Those teachings would be equally valuable if Jesus had performed no miracle, or had come to earth as others come or had come full grown.'' . . . " I t is in these that His Divinity in- heres, and these teachings are divine, not because He taught them, but be- cause they are true." The saddest thing suggested by these sayings of such noted men is, that the church so largely adopts, at least in practice, such a Christless creed. Many have lost the church's first love. The truth is that CHRIST IS CHRISTIANITY. His Person is the thing. His presence the power. His image and Spirit in the soul the life—and apart from Him as a present help, His words are power- less, and His acts are vain. What is t^ie testimony? " I AM the Way, the Truth, and the L i f e " (Jno. 14:6). "Come unto M E " (Matt. 11:28). "Without ME ye can do nothing" (Jno. 15:5). " I give unto them eternal l i f e " (Jno. 10:28). " I AM the Door" (Jno. 10:9). " H e that hath the Son hath l i f e " (1 Jno. 5:12). "He was made sin for lis" (1 Cor. 5:21). "Christ our l i f e " (Col. 3:4). "Christ in you the hope of glory." " F or me to live is Christ" (Phil. 1:21). "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ" (1 Jno. 2r22)? Have you got HIM? THE KING'S BUSINESS. In order to obtain the special pound rate for mailing our paper, we must se- cure 500 subscribers. We have placed the price at 25 cents per year, in order to bring it within the reach of every one. It will take 3000 subscribers to defray the expense of printing the paper. Will you help us? We are now furnishing the Sunday School lesson to some ; of the county papers in our state, and are thus en- larging our Suhday School teachers' class.

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