FOR ADAM 5 Tell us about your favorite instructor or learning experience. QUESTIONS
I have been fortunate to study with some of the most talented artists and instructors in the world - right here under the GRS roof as well as abroad. There’s no question that studying under Alexandre Sidorov in Antwerp had the strongest impact on my skillsets. It was a life changing experience to learn from him for three months. My most favorite learning experience, though, would be apprenticing under my Mentor, David Iler, the mastermind behind Alchemy, for three years. David saw my potential right out of GIA and took me under his wing. So much of what I know about this business and this craft came from exposure to his expertise and passion. I am the jeweler I am today because it all started with him. I am forever grateful to have learned from him, and I feel his impact in my work every single day. Much love, David! What has inspired you to teach? I remember taking my first GRS class in 2015. As I worked through the five days, I remember thinking, “One day, I’d like to be able to hone my skills to a professional level, and come back and teach here at GRS.” In fact, Otis and I even had a conversation about it. I’ve been inspired by small things like the photos of instructors going down the hall in the training center, and big things like the realization that your instructor, someone at the top of their field, has traveled all the way here to teach you what they know. To be honest, I knew in March of 2015 that I wanted to teach at GRS. Classes at the Training Center have a strong sense of community. How do you facilitate connections between students? Because I’ve taken several classes at GRS, I know exactly what it’s like to be a student. I remember it well, they weren’t that long ago. I plan to use my own experiences as a student to help to create an environment that fosters community and camaraderie within the classroom. There’s much opportunity for that sense of community to grow outside of the classroom, too. A lot of times, this is the best time to continue some shop talk and learn about one another. I’ve never visited Emporia without going bowling, so there will definitely be a class bowling night. What do you want students to take away from your classes? I want students to finish class with a sense of accomplishment, increased confidence, and burning curiosity and inspiration. I want them to leave GRS feeling like they have a whole new group of colleagues and friends, polished skills, and room to continue growing as artists. What are you most excited about as an instructor? I’m so very excited to give back to a community, a family, that has given so much to me. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the GRS family of instructors, employees, and students. They have all had a tremendous impact on my success within my career. I’m also just stoked to be in a room full of artists that have come from all corners of the country to learn more about diamond setting. I may be at the instructor’s bench this time around, but there will be much for me to learn as well.
Learn ISSUE NO.08
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