WTTJ Catalog

GASTERIA is a genus of somewhat rare, aloe-like succulents. They are sometimes called “ox tongues” because they typically have long leaves with a rough texture. Our collection varieties are uniquely marked with exciting patterns and colors. Moreover, mature gasteria plants typically produce tubular, curved flowers fromwinter to spring.

The genus is native to South Africa, growing in lightly shaded conditions. As a result, the plant tolerates lower light conditions than many other succulents do, making them a fantastic option as a houseplant.


GASTERIA Flow Flow has thick, stiff, dark green and triangular leaves that are adorned with little white spots.

Kyaka has an upright, shiny novel leaf, perfect for use in terrariums.

GASTERIA Flow 86254

GASTERIA Kyaka 86259


GASTERIA Morombe Gasteria has a unique leaf pattern on its distinctively shaped leaves. This green indoor plant is a succulent and is therefore very hardy and easy to care for. Morombe has light- green leaves with a soft but distinct toothy edge.

Gasteria has a unique leaf pattern on its distinctively shaped leaves. This green indoor plant is a succulent and is therefore very hardy and easy to care for. Zimflora has roughly textured triangular green leaves speckled with white.

GASTERIA Morombe 86263

GASTERIA Zimflora 86269


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