OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey April 2020 Page 46 of 82
Figure 53: Food
Under 56 AGE
50.4%, 398 Male GENDER 30 12.8% 90 38.5% 89 38.0% 16 6.8% 9 3.8% 234 100.0% 3.50
53.5%, 426 5/Less Years TENURE 31 14.2% 76 34.7% 78 35.6% 20 9.1% 14 6.4% 219 100.0% 3.41
4.5%, 36 Year Round RESIDE
68.8%, 546 No DOG OWNER 47 15.6% 103 34.2% 112 37.2% 28 9.3% 11 3.7% 301 100.0% 3.49
35.3%, 280 56 to 65
41.2%, 327 66 to 75 32 16.8% 70 36.8% 65 34.2% 17 8.9% 6 3.2% 190 100.0% 3.55
17.0%, 135 Over 75
49.6%, 392 Female
46.5%, 370 6+ Years
21.8%, 173 6-11 Months
73.6%, 584 5/Less Months 42 13.2% 116 36.6% 115 36.3% 30 9.5% 14 4.4% 317 100.0% 3.45
31.2%, 248 Yes 19 13.5% 53 37.6% 45 31.9% 13 9.2% 11 7.8% 141 100.0% 3.40
6.4%, 51
Value for price
Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
11.1% 33.3% 29.6%
3 9 8 1
2 8
66 14.5% 162 35.7% 162 35.7% 42 9.3% 22 4.8% 454 100.0% 3.46
13 9.4% 41 29.5% 55 39.6% 20 14.4% 10 7.2% 139 100.0% 3.19
18 20.9% 36 41.9% 29 33.7% 3 3.5% 0 0.0% 86 100.0% 3.80
36 17.4% 67 32.4% 66 31.9% 25 12.1% 13 6.3% 207 100.0% 3.43
35 15.6% 82 36.4% 79 35.1% 21 9.3% 8 3.6% 225 100.0% 3.51
22 21.4% 33 32.0% 31 30.1% 11 10.7% 6 5.8% 103 100.0% 3.52
34.8% 11 47.8% 0 0.0% 2 8.7% 23 100.0% 3.35
6 22.2% 27 100.0% 3.07
Totals Mean
Figure 54: 15. Please respond to the following statements regarding Outdoor Resort Palm Springs being one of your favorite places to dine in the area:
Under 56 AGE
50.4%, 398 Male GENDER 68 17.3% 130 33.1% 115 29.3% 67 17.0% 13 3.3% 393 100.0% 3.44 16 4.1% 53 13.6% 141 36.2% 137 35.1% 43 11.0% 390 100.0% 2.65
53.5%, 426 5/Less Years TENURE 78 18.5% 136 32.3% 121 28.7% 70 16.6% 16 3.8% 421 100.0% 3.45 16 3.8% 59 14.1% 146 34.8% 146 34.8% 52 12.4% 419 100.0% 2.62
4.5%, 36 Year Round RESIDE 25.0% 14 38.9% 9 25.0% 3 8.3% 1 2.8% 36 100.0% 3.75 9
68.8%, 546 No DOG OWNER 84 15.6% 192 35.7% 155 28.8% 83 15.4% 24 4.5% 538 100.0% 3.43 28 5.2% 91 17.0% 184 34.3% 179 33.4% 54 10.1% 536 100.0% 2.74
35.3%, 280 56 to 65 40 14.5% 100 36.4% 75 27.3% 48 17.5% 12 4.4% 275 100.0% 3.39 7 2.6% 32 11.8% 86 31.6% 109 40.1% 38 14.0% 272 100.0% 2.49
41.2%, 327 66 to 75
17.0%, 135 Over 75 29 21.5% 49 36.3% 38 28.1% 14 10.4% 5 3.7% 135 100.0% 3.61 7 5.3% 33 25.0% 53 40.2% 32 24.2% 7 5.3% 132 100.0% 3.01
49.6%, 392 Female 68 17.6% 150 38.9% 102 26.4% 49 12.7% 17 4.4% 386 100.0% 3.53 17 4.4% 66 17.2% 135 35.2% 120 31.3% 45 11.7% 383 100.0% 2.71
46.5%, 370 6+ Years 58 15.9% 146 40.1% 99 27.2% 48 13.2% 13 3.6% 364 100.0% 3.52 17 4.7% 61 17.0% 132 36.8% 114 31.8% 35 9.7% 359 100.0% 2.75
21.8%, 173 6-11 Months 31 18.3% 72 42.6% 39 23.1% 24 14.2% 3 1.8% 169 100.0% 3.62 4 2.4% 34 20.2% 49 29.2% 67 39.9% 14 8.3% 168 100.0% 2.68
73.6%, 584 5/Less Months
31.2%, 248 Yes
6.4%, 51
Should Be
96 16.6% 196 33.9% 170 29.4% 91 15.7% 25 4.3% 578 100.0% 3.43 28 4.9% 84 14.7% 215 37.5% 177 30.9% 69 12.0% 573 100.0% 2.69
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
16 31.4% 19 37.3% 6 11.8% 6 11.8% 4 7.8% 51 100.0% 3.73
139 17.2% 291 36.0% 225 27.8% 121 15.0% 32 4.0% 808 100.0% 3.48 34 4.3% 123 15.4% 282 35.3% 267 33.4% 94 11.8% 800 100.0% 2.67
51 15.9% 112 34.9% 99 30.8% 49 15.3% 10 3.1% 321 100.0% 3.45 17 5.3% 46 14.4% 122 38.1% 102 31.9% 33 10.3% 320 100.0% 2.72
52 21.1% 88 35.8% 65 26.4% 34 13.8% 7 2.8% 246 100.0% 3.59 2.1% 27 11.2% 94 39.0% 80 33.2% 35 14.5% 241 100.0% 2.53 5
Totals Mean Currently Is
2 6
1 2
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
11.8% 17 33.3% 16 31.4% 10 19.6% 51 100.0% 2.49
5.7% 12 34.3% 16 45.7% 4 11.4% 35 100.0% 2.43
Totals Mean
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