Membership Survey Report Outdoor Resort Palm Springs May 2020
2. Priority Improvements. Lower right area. Activities/facilities in this area are highly important to members, but lower satisfaction ratings place them below the Value Boundary™. These activities/facilities should be targeted for improvement to move them to the Quality Drivers area. 3. Significant Enhancers. Upper left area. Activities/facilities in this area are of moderate importance to members, but have relatively high satisfaction ratings, which allow them to contribute positively to the overall membership experience 4. Missed Opportunities. Lower left area. Activities/facilities in this area are of lower or moderate importance to members, but have satisfaction ratings that place them below the Value Boundary™. Improvements to activities/facilities in this area would increase member satisfaction and cause them to become Significant Enhancers to the membership experience. Improvements to activities/facilities in this area are lower priority than making improvements to activities or facilities that fall in the Priority Improvements area. Value Boundary™ Curve. This curved line displays the satisfaction excellence threshold separating the upper and lower quadrants. This line is curved to reflect the higher satisfaction threshold attributed to activities or facilities of higher importance to the membership, and is derived based on the McMahon Group’s experience at over 1,000 private golf and country clubs.
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