OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey April 2020 Page 71 of 82
Figure 83: 26. Please indicate your satisfaction with these aspects of the Fitness facilities and operations: Fitness Facilities and Operations
Under 56 AGE
50.4%, 398 Male GENDER 74 29.7% 143 57.4% 21 8.4% 9 3.6% 2 0.8% 249 100.0% 4.12 56 23.0% 116 47.5% 39 16.0% 25 10.2% 8 3.3% 244 100.0% 3.77 76 30.5% 143 57.4% 23 9.2% 7 2.8% 0 0.0% 249 100.0% 4.16 76 30.5% 145 58.2% 23 9.2% 4 1.6% 1 0.4% 249 100.0% 4.17
53.5%, 426 5/Less Years TENURE 74 27.9% 154 58.1% 13 4.9% 20 7.5% 4 1.5% 265 100.0% 4.03 49 18.8% 122 46.7% 43 16.5% 37 14.2% 10 3.8% 261 100.0% 3.62 82 30.9% 150 56.6% 22 8.3% 10 3.8% 1 0.4% 265 100.0% 4.14 88 33.5% 142 54.0% 27 10.3% 5 1.9% 1 0.4% 263 100.0% 4.18
4.5%, 36 Year Round RESIDE 42.9% 11 52.4% 1 4.8% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 21 100.0% 4.38 9 5 25.0% 10 50.0% 4 20.0% 1 5.0% 0 0.0% 20 100.0% 3.95 38.1% 11 52.4% 2 9.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 21 100.0% 4.29 8 7 33.3% 11 52.4% 3 14.3% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 21 100.0% 4.19
68.8%, 546 No DOG OWNER 89 27.2% 192 58.7% 27 8.3% 16 4.9% 3 0.9% 327 100.0% 4.06 61 19.1% 151 47.2% 53 16.6% 47 14.7% 8 2.5% 320 100.0% 3.66 95 29.1% 189 57.8% 28 8.6% 15 4.6% 0 0.0% 327 100.0% 4.11 92 28.3% 189 58.2% 37 11.4% 5 1.5% 2 0.6% 325 100.0% 4.12
35.3%, 280 56 to 65
41.2%, 327 66 to 75 41 21.8% 122 64.9% 15 8.0% 9 4.8% 1 0.5% 188 100.0% 4.03 27 14.7% 90 48.9% 35 19.0% 30 16.3% 2 1.1% 184 100.0% 3.60 48 25.4% 115 60.8% 19 10.1% 7 3.7% 0 0.0% 189 100.0% 4.08 51 27.0% 109 57.7% 24 12.7% 4 2.1% 1 0.5% 189 100.0% 4.08
17.0%, 135 Over 75
49.6%, 392 Female
46.5%, 370 6+ Years
21.8%, 173 6-11 Months
73.6%, 584 5/Less Months 96 27.9% 196 57.0% 29 8.4% 19 5.5% 4 1.2% 344 100.0% 4.05 66 19.6% 157 46.7% 57 17.0% 45 13.4% 11 3.3% 336 100.0% 3.66 98 28.4% 199 57.7% 34 9.9% 13 3.8% 1 0.3% 345 100.0% 4.10 102 29.7% 199 58.0% 36 10.5% 5 1.5% 1 0.3% 343 100.0% 4.15
31.2%, 248 Yes 45 31.0% 77 53.1% 10 6.9% 11 7.6% 2 1.4% 145 100.0% 4.05 30 21.3% 66 46.8% 26 18.4% 13 9.2% 6 4.3% 141 100.0% 3.72 46 31.7% 79 54.5% 18 12.4% 1 0.7% 1 0.7% 145 100.0% 4.16 54 37.5% 75 52.1% 10 6.9% 5 3.5% 0 0.0% 144 100.0% 4.24
6.4%, 51
Facility size
Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
11 28.2% 21 53.8% 3 7.7% 2 5.1% 2 5.1% 39 100.0% 3.95 23.1% 19 48.7% 5 12.8% 3 7.7% 3 7.7% 39 100.0% 3.72 9 12 30.8% 19 48.7% 6 15.4% 1 2.6% 1 2.6% 39 100.0% 4.03 13 33.3% 22 56.4% 2 5.1% 1 2.6% 1 2.6% 39 100.0% 4.15
137 28.8% 270 56.7% 37 7.8% 27 5.7% 5 1.1% 476 100.0% 4.07 94 20.2% 218 46.9% 79 17.0% 60 12.9% 14 3.0% 465 100.0% 3.68 144 30.3% 269 56.5% 46 9.7% 16 3.4% 1 0.2% 476 100.0% 4.13 147 31.1% 267 56.4% 47 9.9% 10 2.1% 2 0.4% 473 100.0% 4.16
61 33.3% 96 52.5% 10 5.5% 14 7.7% 2 1.1% 183 100.0% 4.09 38 21.3% 84 47.2% 25 14.0% 22 12.4% 9 5.1% 178 100.0% 3.67 64 35.2% 100 54.9% 11 6.0% 7 3.8% 0 0.0% 182 100.0% 4.21 65 36.1% 96 53.3% 14 7.8% 5 2.8% 0 0.0% 180 100.0% 4.23
20 33.9% 28 47.5% 9 15.3% 2 3.4% 0 0.0% 59 100.0% 4.12 16 28.1% 23 40.4% 14 24.6% 4 7.0% 0 0.0% 57 100.0% 3.89 16 27.1% 32 54.2% 10 16.9% 1 1.7% 0 0.0% 59 100.0% 4.07 16 27.6% 35 60.3% 7 12.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 58 100.0% 4.16
60 27.1% 125 56.6% 16 7.2% 17 7.7% 3 1.4% 221 100.0% 4.00 35 16.3% 101 47.0% 40 18.6% 33 15.3% 6 2.8% 215 100.0% 3.59 65 29.4% 124 56.1% 22 10.0% 9 4.1% 1 0.5% 221 100.0% 4.10 67 30.7% 121 55.5% 23 10.6% 6 2.8% 1 0.5% 218 100.0% 4.13
62 29.7% 115 55.0% 24 11.5% 7 3.3% 1 0.5% 209 100.0% 4.10 44 21.8% 95 47.0% 36 17.8% 23 11.4% 4 2.0% 202 100.0% 3.75 61 29.2% 118 56.5% 24 11.5% 6 2.9% 0 0.0% 209 100.0% 4.12 58 27.9% 124 59.6% 20 9.6% 5 2.4% 1 0.5% 208 100.0% 4.12
31 28.4% 62 56.9% 7 6.4% 8 7.3% 1 0.9% 109 100.0% 4.05 22 20.6% 50 46.7% 18 16.8% 14 13.1% 3 2.8% 107 100.0% 3.69 37 34.3% 58 53.7% 10 9.3% 3 2.8% 0 0.0% 108 100.0% 4.19 37 34.6% 56 52.3% 8 7.5% 5 4.7% 1 0.9% 107 100.0% 4.15
Totals Mean Stretching space Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied Totals Mean Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Totals Mean Cleanliness
Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Totals Mean
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