OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Vision/Mission Statements/Core Values Page 3
29. First, there needs to be a heavier focus on safety in the park, i.e., required reflective gear for night walking, encouragement of video security systems on RV's, possible corner lighting and wall surveillance and monitoring systems. We also need a Dog Park. I would be willing to say that possibly 1/2 the people visiting or staying at the park full time have dogs. It's becoming a big problem that could easily be solved if the park invested in things other than just recreational and entertainment things. Lastly, I believe there needs to be more "full-timers" representation on the board. A lot of things happen when the crowds leave and go home, and we need to address the needs of those loyal owners. They should have a strong voice in the direction the park goes since this is their primary home. I am retiring from my professional business career next year and would love to be a part of addressing these and all the needs of the people in our community. 30. Mutual respect is hard to maintain when we still see dog owners let their dogs relieve on every green, no dogs allowed corners; we have a real problem with too many dogs in the park, an as non-dog owners, do not feel we should be paying for dog relief areas. Replacing green grass with aggregate will just make it worse for the corner non-use areas as dogs are always looking for fresh grass to relieve on. Dog owners need to step up, dogs are trainable, buy pee pads, use their own grass or take them to dog parks. Educate owners, we are not dog haters, we have dogs at home, and do not use neighbor’s property to let our dog run on, why here? 31. Too much emphasis on golf and grass and not on maintaining laundries. Not enough control of dogs in park!!! 32. Love it here but keeping it fiscally responsible and still affordable to all is important. Lately every year is a bigger increase than the last. Do not overspend! 33. Overall, the Resort is above the norm. But, to state that it is a 5 Star facility is wishful thinking. WiFi quality is poor. Cable TV for renters is difficult to establish. Existing Laundry equipment and numbers are inadequate (machines broken for weeks). There is TOO much emphasis put on dogs. Dog owners need to realize this resort is for human enjoyment and if they wish to bring a dog, they need to be responsible for their care. They shouldn't be able to destroy the landscape so their dog can relieve themselves. 34. They sound great in theory but unless the culture in this place improves, they’ll never work. This has been the worst season ever for hostility among owners and guests. The worst decisions have been pickleball and pet relief. I’ve seen screaming yelling and just all-around nastiness. Things must change at the top first. If there’s going to be rules they must be enforced equally for all. Now it’s picking and choosing. It was a nice place when we bought. 35. Doesn’t seem like the board is really working for the owners. We are hiring a lot of younger owners that want to take over the association. The younger owners don’t want a lot of the current activities they think that they’re stupid and old 36. I dislike the word “resort”. It implies ORPS is running a business that’s open to the public rather than what it is: a private community of owned residences.
It was a factor in why we purchased our Lot this year.
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