OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Vision/Mission Statements/Core Values Page 5
52. Facilities and activities could be improved on. Laundry equipment is old, in disrepair, 40-50% of machines in operation at any given time. Activities need some younger blood, too much of it catering to an age group that doesn't seem to financially support them, i.e. the bar, Bella Roma, music that has no appeal to the younger owners in the resort. 53. I have been coming here for 15 years. The R&M has deteriorated dramatically over this period. Breakdowns of laundry machines, burned out lights in shower stalls, out of order Jacuzzis is terrible. Do we have a replacement schedule in our yearly budget as equipment gets older? I find that after a windstorm it takes days to clean up the debris that is scattered throughout the resort. The resort is not a good as it was. 54. Inclusivity needs improvement in golf! Can Am needs to be an open tournament 55. The Vintage service carts are 1 noisy, 2 stinky and need to go to be replaced with electric ones ASAP. They make walking and other being outside our rigs very bad. The flowers are too one sided and uninteresting. We need a sidewalk or road widened between maintenance yard road and the exit intersection in phase one. It is extremely dangerous and we all find it inadequate since conception. Do it 56. There are a lot of owners with dogs and the areas for dogs to use are really bad. If I had come with a dog in the beginning I would not have bought. Also, the resort looks at how our rigs and yards look from the front but not the back that shows from the golf course. Some of them are pretty unkept. 57. I think we have met and continue to meet those goals. It is important to keep the balance between the value of the amenities and the cost of those amenities so we don’t price ourselves out of the very people we wish to serve. 58. We're not staying at the resort long enough yet to have an informed opinion. Our biggest complaint is some of the RV's are starting to look quite dated and tired. 59. We need more community Participation and Cooperation; A and A committee needs to listen to the owners not just "ONE Persons view." 60. The core values need to be defined via focus groups and a focused survey as in my experience with organization cultures, there are not homogenous definitions for these terms (integrity, innovation, mutual respect...). It particularly applies here where half the owners are Canadians and thus may share different definitions than Americans. I have facilitated such in depth discussions in the organizations I have lead and have been surprised by the lack of homogeneity relating to these words. Unless defined, you will not likely see a sense of shared values and defining them further places peer pressure on those who don't adhere to the collectively determined definition. I can't stress this enough. Otherwise these values will not function as community unifiers. 61. Need a better social culture in the park. Need a better bar/ social area for people to go to. 62. There has been a disconnect with the communication; e-mails and phone calls were simply not returned. Lack of kitchen facilities for an entire season at ES along with some shortcomings associated with age related maintenance in original phases. 63. Dog relief areas in such a visible and constantly accessed area with pickleball, pool and club house, is not in compliance with our 5-star vision statement
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