OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Vision/Mission Statements/Core Values Page 12
133. Very satisfied with the Statements, but we do Not live up to them in regard to the dangerous tile at the ES Pool. It is ugly, always looking dirty; and is extremely slippery and an accident waiting to happen! I am very pleased with the new palm trees, and lighting, at the entrance. It is absolutely beautiful. Again, the ES tile is a serious liability! 134. I worry that your use of PREMIER is an excuse to try and raise ORPS to a level that only some can afford. That tactic could cause the death of our resort by pricing it out of existence. REMEMBER: it costs the Canadians 25% more than the rest of us already. 135. While maintaining fiscal responsibility, recognizing not all owners have equal financial resources. 136. Mission statement and core values are weak and seem thrown together without one clear path/direction 137. Strive for excellent facilities but spend our dues wisely. I feel Board sometimes operates with "blank check" attitude. 138. Needs to cover cleanliness. Extremely dissatisfied with the trash area, maintenance yard, dog run area. Flies are intolerable because they don’t spray. Dog runs need to be watered down daily 139. Vision statement is nice but falls short as it relates to the location of dog relief areas. This gets committeed to death - deferred and slotted to tiny areas under the guise of “trial” areas - this is piece meal and solves nothing - fix it 140. Less politics 141. Laundry repair needs to happen quicker...lots need to be water in daytime after mowing so owners can check sprinklers...happy to see dogs can use area around tennis and pickle ball! 142. There should be a better established, fixed guidelines for approval or non-approval to access the resort minimal imolien, no airstred criteria for allowing certain rigs into the park that don't meet the guidelines 143. I don’t think they are living up to their Vision Statement. Park is gradually going downhill 144. We should be a 5-star resort, it means more than Premier resort 145. With rotating boards and rotating managers, it is understandable that these are very generic in nature. There seems to be a disconnect between functions and administrative activities. The administration of daily activities seems to be monitored by strangers. 146. ORPS is just beautiful as you drive in!! 147. I think Friendly should be a part of this vision 148. Pets should be only in designated pet areas and not be able to do their unsanitary business on our lot lawns or walkways the resort landscape appearance is D showing it
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