OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Vision/Mission Statements/Core Values Page 13
149. I would like to see several years of no increases in HOA dues. Fiscally conservative. Very little incentive to own versus rent. 150. Landry machines need to all work in order for this to be a 5 start resort 151. Mission statement could add "to be responsible stewards of the owners' HOA fees" and Core Values could add "to spend ORPS funds as if they were your own personal funds" 152. Not having a working kitchen in ES clubhouse for an entire season is not in keeping with the Vision and Mission statements! Hoping that breakdown will be rectified before next season, as it affected activities, social culture, services, etc. Also, please don't get so carried away with the idea of a "5 star" resort that you price us all out! We appreciate that the resort needs upkeep and some upgrades, but please keep in mind that we are mostly retired folks on limited incomes! We all hope to stay "financially stable" through conservative expenditures, focused on necessities like working washers, and existing amenities before we focus too much on esthetics. 153. We need the laundry rooms to have working equipment - dryer without heat for entire season is unacceptable. Dog parks next to tennis and pickleball courts is not looking good at all...and in a busy area. 154. Quite concerned with new owners becoming full time residents. I understand we cannot disrupt the current full timers, I strongly recommend it be in violation and allow it to continue in the future. Cigarette smoking should be disallowed on lots. The old bad and ugly RVs should all be brought to some kind of beautification code. 155. This says it all. Very much to the point and I strongly agree. 156. Signage for A1 and Bella Roma look really cheesy. Bella Roma could do better as a more diversified facility...diner or? Carbs are not on most people’s menus anymore...staff and service are very nice but theme needs to be updated to reflect today’s appetites 157. Do what they say. 158. More oversight by admin of delegated employs. More oversight by delegated employs of work staff. Board needs to focus on usability of resort, and not on pet projects. Respect for rules and regs by all needs to be emphasized especially leash regs speeding (WORK STAFF). 159. Trying to position ourselves as a Premier Resort is nice, but our WiFi is lacking; our Dog “Sensitivity”, is ridiculously (we’re more accommodating to dogs and where they relieve themselves...and yet we’re spending $$$ to maintain our grass). Owners receive No advantage for owning, yet HOAs keep going up in addition to renters have to additionally pay a daily fee. Something is clearly wrong. Laundry machines are more down, than working. 160. We all have great ideas, but we somehow mess up everything we try to do. Too many fancy ideas without proper planning? Beauty is as Beauty does! Example: ES pool tile, beautiful, bit too bright and glary. The Bridge from the 18th hole is beautiful, but cost way too much. Too many big ideas with no real regard for cost. 161. Laundry facilities are poor - machines not being fixed or replaced. Resort is being too oppressive on the looks of RV's.
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