OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Dine More Frequently at Resort Page 8
127. I like the dinner and entertainment idea but some of those events are just too expensive. 128. Stop with the Italian theme restaurants and event menus. 129. The outside dining area is really nice, but the inside reminds me of a cafeteria with the bright lights and furniture. Just no ambience.
130. Dining here at the resort should be more better.
131. Nothing - I did not purchase a lot at the resort to have a restaurant to eat at. 132. Bella Roma is WONDERFUL as is. The only thing that would make us dine there more often is if we didn't drive, if we never left the resort, or if everything was free. We think they are reasonably priced for what we get and we simply like the different offerings in the desert that no ONE restaurant could provide. We started doing once a week there because at some point, when we discovered how good they are, we also realized we have to support them or else they go away. 133. Dining in resort is more casual and for last minute pizza or meals coming and going. Dining out would be more of a happy hour or dining experience. 134. In the last 16 years Bella Roma is the best we have had. I feel they are doing a wonderful job and I have no problem taking out of town fiends there to eat. 135. I think that if the facility offered a special for birthdays, such as a $10 coupon more people would choose that as an option to celebrate with their friends.
136. I find the lunch menu to heavy...too much pasta dishes.
137. Not a fan of hotdogs 138. More variety and good quality
139. At times the quality of food at events has not been good. At other times at events vendors have run short on items. 140. We prefer to eat at our site... we do dine at Bella Roma at least once during our stay. 141. Marge’s is so outdated. I have never had a good meal from them. I have seen server handle money with gloves then serve a hot dog with same gloves. Marge’s should offer sandwiches, smoothie or something fresh. This is the busiest clubhouse all day. Pickleball, golf, quilters, pool, etc. Waste of possible revenue for our park 142. The restaurant needs a makeover. Sitting at a table inside and having to stare at highchairs stacked is ugly. How many babies do we have here at one time(?). The inside is too bright, and it needs some ambience. The food is just ok at best. 143. Would like to see more vegetarian options, better salad selection, better appetizer selection and a better ambience and better craft beer selection. 144. We really like a Bella Roma. It would be nice if the inside had more ambiance. We also would like a larger bar menu. 145. Did not go to Bella Roma at all in the last season. Food is bad, service is and menu too limited.
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