OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Favorite Casual Dining Places Page 8

197. Whole Foods, French Rotisserie Kitchen Cafe 198. Spencer’s, Lulu, Shame on the Moon, Bernie’s, Cliff House

199. Lulus, Brews and bones, Elmer’s

200. Babe's, Don Diego's, Mario's, Fisherman's, any Chinese, Thai, IHOP 201. Cheesecake Café, PF Chang's, Burgers and Beers, Several Mexican restaurants

202. Blame on the Moon, Applebee, various Mexican restaurants

203. Eureka in La Quinta, Yard house, occasional Mexican food. We go to a burger place that offers all types of burgers. We go to Bubba's Bones and Brew's the Korean ribs are awesome and the beer selection is awesome, I would love it if we could get some rotating craft beer selections at the bar.

204. Don and Sweet Sue 205. Shame on the Moon/Cliff House/Guillermo’s/La Berlin/Red Robin

206. Mario’s, La Tablita, IN-out-Burger, Cork Tree, City Wok

207. Off of Dinah Shore Blvd., Italian cuisine restaurant, Mexican by the theater, Chinese. 208. Don and Sweet Sues 209. Native Foods Cafe, Natures Health Food and Cafe, The River Acqua California Bistro & Yard House, Las Casuelas downtown or Hwy 111. We haven't eaten out much but when we do vegetarian is always important deciding where to go 210. Every Friday we go to a different restaurant for lunch for our bike ride

211. Happy hours at various restaurants depending on menu offered

212. Yard house, Olive, Maycaos, Los Conzuelos 213. The Slice, Brickworks, Burgers and Beer

214. Sammy's (Italian), Tony's burgers, Stuft Pizza, El potal, Mama Gina.

215. Outback. Fantasy Springs Buffet 216. Mario’s, Kaiser Grill, Rubio’s, Si Bon

217. Outback and Red Lobster

218. El Porto, Salsa, La Donna Cucina, Henrys Pub 219. My dining out is with the "Uniques" which selects fine dining weekly, never repeating the same establishment during a season. Otherwise, I usually prepare my own meals.

220. Pinocchio's, Casuelas, Pomme Frite, Rubio

221. La Tablita, Bubba's, Sparrow Lodge 222. Monsoon Indian food, Blaze pizza, El Ranchito Taco Shop, Olive Garden, Hamachi Sushi, Panda Express, La Casita, El Pollo Loco

223. Michael's, Don and Sweet Sue's, Trilussa

224. Mama Gina’s, John Henrys, Del Taco, Spaghetti Factory

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