OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 5
37. Landscapers don’t edge where they should and when they use weed eater they cut so short it makes dirt spots. Example in front of BBQ walls. Paint ALL stop signs on road. There are too many broken washer and dryers in the main and satellite facilities. This is a PRIORITY and should be addressed immediately. The ruff on the golf course should be a little shorter. 38. Main laundry facility is a busy spot, we use it regularly but it needs to be moved away from garbage bins, we shouldn't have to do laundry beside stinky garbage bins and pet relief area. It might be easier to move garbage collection facilities and pet relief area. The other pressing issue in our opinion is to upgrade onsite restaurant facility (Bella Roma) it needs to be more modern and appealing for a restaurant option. 39. The dog relief area issue needs a better solution than ruining the grassy area around the tennis/pickleball facilities. Dog walkers should not be allowed to have their pets relieving themselves wherever they want. This tendency has increased significantly in the last few years. 40. Improve WiFi; Laundry equipment; stop making renters pay $15 a day, when owners are paying their HOA's (kind of double-dipping?); Make dog owners responsible for their own dog's relief location. 41. It is my observation that our staff is not treated well by some owners. We should post more “regulations” so owners know better. 42. Stop renovating kitchens. Fix this horrible dog relief problem. Do like next door. No paws on the ground. Put money towards keeping existing facilities operational. Stop adding activities. We have enough. I prefer each table doing appys instead of catered dinners at all activities. I totally disagree with the bar operating 7 days a week. It feels like the resort is promoting alcoholism. It was better M-F 4-7 pm 43. Most owners liked what we had when we bought our lots. The focus should be on maintaining existing facilities and services. We should avoid grandiose plans to build new services that the majority of owners don't support and get back to addressing existing problems that need to be fixed. I am concerned that we are taking on costs that are not needed. Making decisions during summer conference call meetings to avoid owner participation has been used too often to advance unpopular and unchallenged initiatives. For example, in 2019 we hired a golf professional, and assistant pro and an assistant but were unnecessary and could have been handled by the starter shack staff and golf committee as was the case for the previous 30 years. We also replaced the tee time booking software at a cost that is unknown to us when simple changes could have been made to make the existing software package to address deficiencies. I think it was a terrible idea to fire the owners who staffed the starter shack and the mailroom in 2019.Unfortunately, that attitude seemed to be consistent with a Board that doesn't listen to, value or respect the owners and committee volunteers who have reasonable opinions on how things could be handled. These problems will result in higher HOA fees and dampen property values that are still below pre- 2008 levels. 44. Maintenance in general in the resort has been lacking. We are expected to maintain our individual lots and keep our RVs looking good and up-to-date, I think it is only fair that we can expect good day to day maintenance and cleanliness of our facilities.
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