OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 6
45. The Board/Management should concentrate a little more on how to save our MONEY!! Rather than ways to spend additional MONEY!! 46. It would be nice to see more owners appreciate all we have here and stop complaining about the little things and look at the big picture!! 47. I would suggest that ORPS confine its spending to no more than the owners’ annual HOA dues; and therefore begin a reassessment if necessary services provided by the HOA vs. owner responsibility. All owners should be responsible for their lot. All activities should be financially supported by the users ... including golf, tennis, etc. I feel the Board is overextended and is trying to do too much. We should not be in the financial position of trying to provide everything to everyone! 48. I strongly agree with the Resort utilizing these types of Surveys to get Owner Input. Thank you for doing this. 49. The resort's rules should be enforced. If you can't enforce a rule there is no point in having it. Examples of rules that have little evidence of enforcement are the speed limit, appearance of older RVs, pet owners’ mitigation of the damage there pets cause. 50. Personally I feel that the resort owns enough common property - however, some areas may not be used effectively for the interests of the current ownership group. Usage of common areas should be monitored and potentially modified into multi use areas, i.e. tennis and pickleball in the satellite areas. Bocce in some common space entering into the orchard. I would be disappointed to have lots purchased and decrease our revenue stream to provide services when our common areas are not being used effectively. 51. Desert landscape seems an appropriate change for this resort. Street surface appears to need attention sometime soon. 52. The one deal that bugs me is that our front gate is a pool noodle that goes up and down to let vehicles in. For such a high end resort it's quite tacky. 53. Remove stop signs on streets. Looks terrible. Remove ALL cardboard, paper, cloth signage from entire resort including standing sandwich board signs. All should be replaced with a standard classy sign all matching. Reduce maintenance yard and extend dog area. Have employees park outside resort Make better use of common areas. 54. A & A is very important to our community - but is being managed in a very cliquish and unfriendly way. Washers and Dryers failure rate is ridiculous. SPEEDING IS OUT OF CONTROL! Thank You. 55. THE SPEEDING IN THIS RESORT IS OUTRAGEOUS. THE STOP SIGNS ARE A WASTE BECAUSE NOBODY STOPS AT THEM. VERY, VERY POOR
The pool deck at ES is very slippery & dangerous
57. Get the hot tubs running at right satellite c. Landscape lights been out for years. Years of requests ignored. Let’s make it a 5 star resort!
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