OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 7
58. Please! Find ways Not to increase the HOA fees Every year, so that we can feel like it’s still a decent trade off for those of us that cannot be there 12 months of the year. And always consider those of us that can only be there 8 weeks of the year, we are still proud owners and want to hold on to coming down to our little paradise! 59. Fix the satellite areas, the bar areas and use common sense before hassling owners about dumb things. It takes way too long to get answers, get passed from department to department, like dealing with government. 60. Maintenance of the facilities is important. Dog owners use any common areas and on occasion other owners lots as a dog relief areas. Owners spend a high percentage of our fees on landscaping costs and the dogs make the areas appear unsightly. A five star resort cannot have this appearance, dog owners need to be communicated with as this is not acceptable. 61. Some of the weird bylaws that spring up like now requiring underground conduit for fence lights make no sense. Also for new owners there should be a checklist of things that need more clarification such as how to pay HOA fees, dealing with SCE as the realtors in this park aren’t any help. 62. The board needs to approve on a trial basis pickleball play with a real ball until 9PM thru summer with the addition of the Onix ball. I believe the trial should run through December and if no significant push back happens approve the permanent changes. There was over 35K raised by pickleballers and they cannot use the lights to play with a real ball. It also seems the HOA opens itself to discrimination lawsuits as other sports are not limited by time other than required quiet times. I cannot imagine golfers being told they need to use only soft Callaway balls or tennis has to use 1 ball and that ball only. The fastest growing sport should be embraced as it will benefit all owner's financially. 63. We should not have dog runs around tennis and pickle ball courts…that is not five star! 64. My comments reflect on the past managers performance, and hope that the new manager will get this park back to where it needs to be, re: fix all the little things that need attention. Also get the work crews to leave their cell phones in the lunch room and not playing with them while they are supposed to be working, 65. First fix what needs to be fixed...then look at enhancement opportunities...listen to the OWNER'S... do any good for an owner come before Board at meetings because they don't have to give an answer. Treat their FELLOW OWNER'S with RESPECT. 66. We feel that the underutilized tennis courts at the satellite areas could be converted to more usage space such as: dog parks, playground area, open space for games such as bocce, corn hole games, croquet etc. Could also have lines painted on for Pickleball use. We feel this is very precious space that is not used. We are also very disappointed with new tile at the ES pool ... looks very dirty and unkept. Would also like see different fitness classes offered such as Pilates and would like to see a monthly discounted rate. I go outside the ORPS for fitness classes as the monopoly at $10.00 per class is too expensive. If I paid for classes here it would cost me over $200.00 per month with classes I attend 5 times per week. I think we could do better with the fitness classes.
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