OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 13

112. I would like to thank the Board for conducting this survey. Of key importance to me and other owners I know is to have outstanding facilities at the lowest HOA fees possible. Keeping HOA fees low and providing exceptional facilities will support property values and increase desirability for RV owners who are looking for a destination resort. Resort Satisfaction: Overall I am generally satisfied with the resort property. RE: pickleball, some of the court surfaces are in need of repair otherwise it is an excellent facility. Having a dog relief area surrounding the courts is not appropriate. RE: ES Pool - The tile is extremely dirty and requires more frequent deep cleaning. Over a year ago a number of owners suggested putting in a carpet run to pick up the dirt before it is tracked into the pool area. Hosing of the dirt and dust just before players begin playing on the courts adds to the problem. Satellite Areas: In general, the washrooms and showers require deep cleaning including better removal of soap scum. Tiles have been missing around the pool at Sat F for two seasons now, Protective coating on the rail on the hot tub at Sat F has been missing for two seasons. The hot tub at Sat F is often not working. I understand that the boilers at Sat F may need replacement. Dryer at Sat F broken for two seasons. I’m glad to hear they may be replaced. Security gates and fencing at some Sat pools require repair including Sat F. The gates to the pool areas are too low and can easily be opened by reaching over the gate. Replace the timers in the laundry rooms to the digital type to save on electricity. The mechanical timer at Sat F does not work properly. General Resort Website - Internal / External: A complete review and refresh of our external website is required. Internal website requires updating as well. Communication with Resort: Oftentimes emails sent to admin are not acknowledged or replied to. A better process to track and reply to owner inquiries is needed. Golf: RE: Play - the shotguns could start earlier in the day. There are times I would like to play in the afternoon on Tuesdays and Thursday (1:00 PM) but no longer can. The tee time reservation system is working well. A 100% increase in the cost to run the golf program at ORPS is not reasonable. The resort could identify area golf pros to offer lessons to owners at their own cost vs. putting the cost on all owners. A Director of Golf for a par 3 course is not required. Food and beverage service on the course is not required. This is a par 3, 2.5 hour max round. It’s rare to see a golfer consume alcohol on the course. In terms of food, most golfers manage with a granola bar or a piece of fruit. The water fountains on the course require a deep cleaning followed by regular cleaning. To be honest, I don’t know if they have ever been cleaned. In honour of the benefactors of these water fountains, please polish the name plates where applicable. Pickleball: Thanks to a very dedicated group of owner volunteers, we have an excellent program in the resort. The availability of the Monarch ball has greatly enhanced the player experience. Some of the court surfaces are in need of repair. Perhaps the resort could consider shared use of some of the Sat tennis courts as they seem to be rarely utilized. Fitness Area: Overall a nice venue. The exercise machines are quite dated and could be replaced provided funds are available. Potential Future Improvements: Pet Park - First and foremost ORPS is an RV Resort and Country Club and is not conducive to a pet park. If we are considering a pet park, why is the Board pushing to have the grass around the tennis and pickleball courts as pet relief areas? There are a number of dog parks within a 10-15 minute drive of ORPS if owners would like their dogs to run off leash. My observations of dog parks in my city are that while the dogs enjoy themselves chasing after balls and other dogs it comes with significant barking. Eventually the Sunniva facility will open which will provide more opportunities for dog owners. It is my understanding that we own a strip of land immediately west of the

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