OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 15
114. In order for ORPS to be a premier RV resort, the following changes are recommended: 1. Ban all flashing or blinking lights on lots. 2. Get rid of all Christmas tree lights on palm tree. Replace them with palm tree illuminating accent spotlights (white only.) 3. Do not allow pets on any common areas. 4. Cap the number of full- time residents to those who are already here. These four suggestions would make a significant, noticeable impact to the park at no cost. 115. Board and management need to acknowledge written email comments and/or letters. 116. There are many full-size courses with practice facilities close by. Our volunteer golf committee does a wonderful job. The ES pool deck is dangerous and disgustingly dirty. It is extremely slippery. I have complained about this, but I fear that it will take someone being severely injured before something is done. All the entrance gates to the pools are dirty and rusted. It appears that there is no maintenance schedule for these types of things. This could easily be done during the summer. The speed limits and stop signs in the park are largely ignored by both owners, staff and contractors. This being said we don’t need photo radar. Security should set up a few speed traps and warn drivers to slow down. The dog relief areas around the tennis courts at LP and the pickleball courts are unsightly, unhealthy and unnecessary. Dog owners can have their dogs relieve themselves on their own lot, at the front entrance or by the main laundry. The fact that the ES kitchen never opened this year was totally unnecessary. The attic of kitchen area should have been inspected before the contracts for the upgrade were ever given out. In this regard all the attic areas, crawl spaces roofs, etc., etc. in the common buildings should be regularly be inspected regularly. It is much cheaper to repair things regularly rather than waiting until they break. Most if not all of this maintenance can be done in the off season so that the facilities are in good repair for the owners and renters during the prime winter season. ORPS is a wonderful place but it could be an even better place without spending any more money with a proactive maintenance program. The longer it takes to start this proactive maintenance program the more costly it will be to all of us owners. 117. A dog park is important and much needed 118. This resort should remove its advertising in any RV directories such as Good Sam’s as you are an ownership resort- not very friendly to visitors with dogs 119. Pickleball facilities need to expand or increase the hours of operation at the existing pickleball courts. We also need to allow the use of the onix ball so we can become a facility like all others in the valley and across North America 120. Speeding enforcement seems to be nonexistent. Why a safety, noise pollution and potential monetary issue goes unaddressed is curious. 121. We are not a golf club and I disagree with hiring pros and offering clinics, etc. There are plenty of clubs in the Coachella Valley that offer these and our HOAs should not be used to pay for such things. We do not hire pros for other activities (i.e. tennis, pickleball), so why for golf? If we continue to do this, I would suggest that other things be offered (i.e. free yoga, tai chi, etc.) that are taught by professionals and paid for by HOA funds.
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