OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 17
130. We have had a very difficult time getting a decision from the Board on lot lines for our lot. It has been the whole season and no decision. We are not getting any younger and it is difficult to get any conversation. 131. Our favorite winter place! 132. I am an absentee owner at this time and only occasionally use lot with family members. Therefore, I do not benefit from most of the amenities of the RV Resort. I would enjoy many of the social activities, as well as, the golf if I were spending more time in the desert. 133. I do have a very strong opinion that all temporary jobs should be offered to owners first. I also believe that once our HOA's hit $400 we will have a problem keeping owners and our values will decrease (that is the main topic in the hot tubs). 134. The golf committee is a valuable committee for the golfers in this resort. I have heard that more and more of their responsibilities are being taken away. They are owner volunteers and care a lot about the golfing in this resort. Also if owners would like lessons there are numerous golf pros within a 10 mile radius of ORPS. These kind of decisions need to be made by the owners as we are the ones paying these wages through our HOA fees. There are still golfers out on the course whose clothing does not meet the dress code...especially some women who are golfing in tank tops. On another note...a board member who was never elected but appointed should be removed at the next election date and an elected board member would then take their place. Board members should always be elected and not appointed. I understand that this bylaw has been changed. Why are there units within the park that do not meet the length requirements but are allowed to rent spots anyway. Rules are there for a reason. Also there are some units that definitely need painting. What’s happening with them. 135. I think the Board spends our money too freely and no one is held responsible, i.e. the ES kitchen...Either have a point man or hand it over to someone who knows what they are doing. There should be much more communication between the Board and the owners. 136. I love this resort, been coming here for 11 years and finally bought three years ago. My only complaint is the staff in the front office. I have never in eleven years called the main number and got an answer on my first try, ridiculous. Also the girls at the desk and the accounting department are not friendly, I could almost say rude. Sorry to say this but that is how I feel. 137. Update the look of the facility so it looks more like an upscale hotel resort. Encourage owners to make lot improvements. Right now, the process of lot improvement is so arduous, people choose to avoid it. Offer in-house, off season lot maintenance for a reasonable fee. Outdoor Resort Indio has a basic $30 a month fee. Continuous rule additions are unnecessary. Have some faith in owners to do the right thing. Plus, grandfathering and variances for owner friends should not be allowed. If the rule is good for one, it should be good for all. Eliminate all grandfathering and variances.
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