OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 20
156. We would all like a lovely looking park. 5 star... let not get carried away. Remember most of us own and are there at least 3 months. So we are the folk who bring in your basic dues. So think of us... get back to the basic... our laundry machines/rooms are a disgrace. They are always out of use part of the season. We even pay for this service unlike the golf tennis and pickle ball folk. I know this in a big income for the park. Our garbage area is a disgrace. It can’t handle the amount of folk in the park at the rate it is picked up. Surely five months of upping the pick-up days can’t be that expensive. For visitors and owners, it is right by the inefficient laundry and a dog area. 5 Star park?? I know the dog area is a problem but I have been in the park for many years and have walked my dog down Ramon Road. There is space and grass lovely flowers and most folk pick up after the dog. There is parking space for your car or cart. Your bags at the gate really help but dump box below needs to be bigger or emptied more often. Buy the lots either side of the dump area and enlarge accordingly. Put tasteful signage up telling folk to flatten all the amazon boxes and have a Bin for stacking. Use the new purchased lot for parking. Put bins down one side that way you can see the dog piddle spots and even enlarge them. I thank the board it is a tough volunteer job. The A and A committee a lot of what you are doing is good but slow down a little. A lot of the older folk think they are being forced out and a lot have left. Yes some have older rigs which may need some help but remember their years of dues have helped establish the park. To many rule changes at once do not make for a happy park. 157. The roads, power, water system are old and need attention. Especially when we are having more year-round people in the resort, it was not build for that. Outside kitchens have put a stain on our facilities. I think when work like the ES Kitchen should be done from April to September. So the facilities can be used when the majority of owners are back at the resort. The board should make the tough decisions when the owners are in the resort so they can give input. Example: Nov.- Dec. 15 and January to March 30th. This would help in all owners being involved in the decision process. 158. Would like to see free wifi as most 5 star resorts have. Would be willing to pay extra in my HOA fees (Spectrum is ridiculous in their fees). Very disappointed with most dog owners in allowing their pets to relieve themselves anywhere and everywhere, even given they have specific places to take them. I feel the space around Pickleball and Tennis courts which have been given to them for relief areas has made them a total eyesore for the park (especially the Pickleball courts) 159. Satellite tennis court fences, gates and light poles need attention since they are faded, rusted, and peeling. In general, the landscaping around the tennis courts is incompatible with the courts i.e. depositing debris and water onto the court surfaces and inviting landscapers to blow debris off sidewalks and pool areas onto the courts. 160. As Pickleball is growing by leaps and bounds at ORPS, we need more space so an idea might be to convert some Satellite Tennis Courts to Pickleball Courts for clinics and drills when the regular courts are full, or for use by various Pickleball levels of play at certain times. Most of these courts are never used.
162. Owners need to have much more say so at the board/member meetings.
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