OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 22
173. I get the impression that LP has become a second-class lodge. When I go to ES it almost seems like another resort with most of the activities centered there. I think more effort and money can be devoted to LP to make it a more attractive place to congregate 174. Line Dancing is the reason we bought in the resort. We have been Bumped off the schedule too many times, especially this past season. We should be treated with the same respect as other clubs in the resort. 175. The contract with Vintage should be renegotiated every year due to many, many Owners changing to desert scape landscaping. ORPS should see a reduced amount with the contract and this reduced amount should be passed on to Owner's monthly HOA's. 176. All of the drinking fountains on the golf course should be replaced. Each appear to be fed with PVC irrigation pipe, which is a health hazard. I have been in the resort for 25 years, and the fountains were here when I arrived. 177. Front desk staff could be more friendly. Pickleball (players) need some strong suggestion signage to be quieter to their neighbors, especially early morning. Too much screaming goes on, unlike the golf players who are also in close proximity to our lot, but we never hear them. 178. Regarding Mailroom. Agree alternatives should be explored, however, would not agree with less service. Since change in staff, customer service has plummeted, and errors are occurring. With owners relying on Amazon for many of their supplies, perhaps a separate room for packages. It is often two to three days AFTER a package has been delivered that owners get a notice in their mailbox that a package has been received. This is unacceptable. The current condition of RVs and Lots is, overall, quite good. However, compliance is not consistent. As much attention and money should be given to maintenance of what we have as to new facilities/improvements. 179. Maintaining & assuring the resort is meeting the needs of the owners is most important to me as an owner. Over the last 3 years I have seen over and over again the lack of maintenance of the resort. In my opinion this responsibility falls direct ly on the management. However it is the responsibility of the board to hold the GM accountable to do his / her job! The pools are not maintained, railings are chipped, in disrepair, the furniture is not well kept, every year the heat goes out multiple times a season, pergola's are broken, the laundry machines are broken all the time throughout the high season. The Kitchen at ES is an example of 100% failure of the Board to do their job. We have a planning committee that spent years (at least 7) assuring that this high cost job was planned well assuring that it would get done properly. To no fault of theirs one Board member decided he was an expert and changed many parts of the project assure it would be totally screwed up. This is a massive failure on the Board and management on so many levels. It this resort is going to survive, this type of failure has to come to an end immediately. Good survey however the most important part of all of this is for management to maintain the resort in excellent condition and that the Broad work with the committees to assure all projects are planned and executed in accordance with the plan.
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