OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 23

180. Dogs should not be allowed to use the grass next to La Palma or ES. It looks horrific. Please tell the owners to use the grass on Ramon Road or even the dog area. Maybe we could build an enclosed area in the orchard with very high walls for the pets. If the pet owners were responsible, they could eliminate the smell coming from this area. They could also be the ones to help raise the monies for this endeavor. 181. Laundry satellite facilities need a big upgrade and prompt service when machines are down. Upgrade of LP pool and shade areas. Outside Tennis Center at LP that has been promised for a couple of years. 182. When an owner has a golf course lot, the calculations for greenbelt should be altered, in order that reasonable modifications to enhance the value of the lot can be taken. Your present restrictions on greenbelt requirements Do not take into account the expansive Green belt which is a part of the golf course and Connects to the lot. Large ugly slabs are allowed by walls. 183. Surprised no survey for the orchard, fruit trees have not been maintained and are dying or grossly overgrown, condition of fruit has worsened most unpicked left to rot, maintenance does not pick up any fallen fruit and drives over when cutting grass making horrible mess which attracts flies not to mention rats, I pick up fruit before weekly grass is cut behind my unit and units on either side of me, the fertilizing of lot grass is too heavy leaving burn marks, fitness centre is too small with no space for floor exercises or practice yoga or ball Pilates, no pump available to blow up balls (I bring my own hand pump), artificial turf would be a horrible solution to replace Resort area grass as is not environmentally friendly, would prefer DC with native plants in applicable areas, survey would be more useful if could leave comments as to why selected choice specially neutral, would like to see vegetarian option for dinner events, have not been able to attend because of food option, otherwise truly love the resort 184. As a destination RV resort I feel the resort should close down from July 1 to Sept 15 to reduce costs or charge additional for those who wish to stay all year round and reduce the open facilities to one pool and the main laundry only, Close the golf and all ball courts. 185. We have been in Outdoor Resort for 6 years and have seen a gradual increase amongst owners over dogs relieving themselves anywhere they please. Net to reduce how many come into park. As renters don't have a vested interest in our resort they should not be allowed pets. Es and LP relief areas are disgusting eyesores. 186. Sewage smell when dining at Bella Roma. Dog owners allowing relief on owners’ lots. ES outdoor washroom door not safe. Babies in diapers in swimming pools not nice. 187. On the back nine there are too many bird poops which make it unpleasant to play on. Activity office; feedback on certain aspect (room rental, reimbursement) for example this year we had to cancel an activity at the LP ER due to corona virus. When I went to the office for my reimbursement of 25$, they told me they would need to check with accounting and email me back. To this date, I haven't received an answer and I think since this situation was out of our control, we should be reimbursed. 188. I am in and out of here all summer. When they close all the satellite pools except for 2 it seems you always end of shutting it down for maintenance or repairs. I bought next to a pool so I would not have to drive all over the resort trying to find an open pool. I am at satellite D. One of the most popular pools

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