OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 24

189. We bought this spring in large part due to the incredible sewing group and their charity work. They were hugely welcoming to us and their work benefits the greater community. Also, very much the same with the tennis program, which brought us to ORPS to begin with when we were researching where to go in the Valley. Excited to see the new tennis area, and grateful we've been able to buy into such a great, welcoming resort! 190. Regarding mail rooms - DO NOT consolidate to one clubhouse or the other as inconvenient and probable parking difficulties. Regarding dog run - improve current area to make it a focal point in the resort rather than behind trash bins. Eliminate trash bins by having owners be able to put out trash daily thus offering no trash bins available to anyone other than staff (in the maintenance yard - if owners don't get their trash out by 9AM they must hold it for the next day. Consistency of maintaining shrub heights to 4' within 15' of roadways. Closer scrutiny when overseeing renovations and maintenance. 191. Eliminate leaf blowers and reduce lawn maintenance by using artificial turf. If this is not possible, switch from leave blowers to vacuum to reduce dust and blowing of stuff back and forth on and off lots. Blowers are ineffective. 192. PLEASE add a dog park. Perhaps it would be possible to convert a tennis court at one of the satellites (some of the satellite tennis courts don't seem to get used much) into two separate spaces, e.g., 2/3 of the space fenced off for large dogs and 1/3 of the space for small dogs. I recently spent two weeks at another RV resort that had designated dog parks (with decomposed granite surfaces, which was nice). It was such a RELIEF to take my dog to an area that she enjoyed, where she could safely run off leash, where she could socialize with other dogs while I socialized with other dog owners. It was an enjoyable experience is missing from ORPS. 193. Resort pays excessive attention to a few weeds near front of lot during off season, meanwhile tolerates neglect of area behind lot being neglected by contracted landscape service. There are large areas of missing and dead grass which are never addressed. 194. I am strongly opposed to the dog owners being allowed to use the areas around the pickle ball courts. I would also oppose converting all lots to artificial turf or desert scape. The reason I chose to buy in this resort is because it is so green and lush. The use of artificial turf is only adding to the amount of plastics we are adding to our environment. If I wanted to be in a resort filled with desert scapes I could spend my winter retirement in Arizona where costs are considerably less. I believe the board of directors and resort management need to be more responsible in how they spend our money. If they were to run their own personal finances in the same manner as they spend the funds in our budget, they would likely not be able to afford to retire in ORPS. Too many projects have been mismanaged which have resulted in cost over runs and delays in project completion. One example of this is the ES kitchen and another is the pool deck at ES that resulted in a dangerous surface that is impossible to clean. I also believe that this resort was only built for and intended to be a seasonal occupancy facility. There needs to be a method to revise the HOA fees to reflect the amount of time a lot is occupied. This may require a change in the bylaws but if this is not addressed our resort is in danger of becoming just another low income neighborhood in Cathedral City.

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