OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 25
195. Dissatisfied with day to day landscape maintenance on surrounding areas of our lot. The workers are not contentious enough in their attention to detail of the landscaping (grass maintenance and cleanup after cutting). 196. Regarding artificial turfs in resorts own land is how healthy will it be to take care with all the dust we have from gusty wind and trees debris and more. I have asthma and I have to cover my face when it’s very windy or stay inside and close my windows facing north west as prominent winds are most often from that direction. That’s a question that an allergist physician may be able to answer. 197. I wish there was some type of follow up on items brought to the attention of maintenance/ irrigation. I informed the office/facilities personnel of issues with irrigation in Mid-October, resubmitting at various times, with no repairs. 198. 1. Water quality of pools and spas should be a priority health and safety concern. The frequency of daily water testing should be increased because these facilities are regularly in states of non-compliance (a fact backed up by health department testing and my own regular testing). Showering directly before entry of a pool or spa should be enforced. 2. Music is often much too loud at the various events making conversation impossible and ear plugs a necessity. There is no good reason why it should be so loud! 3. When there is dance music the dance floor should be kept clear for dancing, not set up with tables and chairs. 4. The irrigation system is not reliable putting owners' shrubs and hedges at risk when the sprinkler heads are not working. 5. Communication with maintenance is cumbersome. Often requires several calls to get a job done. 6. The Resort choir should not be operating as a faith-based group. It is an activity for those who like to sing and one's faith should be irrelevant. Unfortunately, choir members now being directed to pray together before performances. 7. E-mails sent to management have often been ignored. 199. Some of my answers were done before the hiring of our new General Manager. I am hoping with new management certain aspects of our Resort will run more smoothly. I noticed under the previous manager that decisions seemed to be made without a lot of in-depth research. It seemed like we had to do things at least twice before getting it right thereby costing the resort a lot of money. For example: the locks on the gates not being ADA compliant - who made that decision; the tile around the ES swimming pool - yes it meets CA code but was it tested by people with wet feet; the previous golf tee time website - that seems like it was a knee-jerk decision with no research done. All these and probably more could have been done right the first time if people who knew more on the subject were consulted. We want to be a 5-star resort and that is wonderful. The first-place potential owners come is the front office. Firsthand experience with the front office has been rude and unwelcoming. I was told at the beginning of the season staff were having a customer service clinic. I don’t think it worked. Staff should want to help and welcome people, not turn them away. I get more friendliness, smiles and service at fast food restaurants than I do in our front office. If it is a chore for them to be helpful, get someone who wants to be here.
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