OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 27
209. I’d like more attractive lighting around the resort and remove the string lights around the trees. I think it’s important to have designated smoking areas, or make it a non- smoking resort. At least make lots smoke free for the health and well-being of non- smoking lot owners. 210. Keep on doing what you are doing. 211. Laundry facilities have suffered non-working equipment. Please repair and maintain them properly. Bougainvillea should be planted on the outer walls in the bare areas to discourage people from jumping over the walls. This should improve security. I personally watched a teen with a knapsack hop over the back wall far too easily. 212. Adding more amenities is great, but we must not sacrifice what we have to make more room. We should consider purchasing adjoining properties to the west (ex: SW corner, west of ORPS existing property) and expand with a building to house other amenities. 213. End the program with dogs crapping and peeing around our 2 beautiful buildings .... ES and LP. It’s not only degrading our 5 star image ... but also a health hazard. Very simple ... you want a dog .... crap on your own property. Also ... the west steel gates should have a walk thru door with a code and the dogs can run out there. It’s quite embarrassing ... we claim to be 5 star and take note of our neighbors ... Desert Shadows ... dogs not even allowed on streets. Wow 214. It’s important to keep what we have and update as necessary, but we do not need to change simply for the sake of change. We also need to keep this park accessible and not raise the HOA or lot prices so much that we lose our current diversity that keeps our resort fiscally healthy. 215. Landscapers do what they are asked to do, and nothing more. Mowing is uneven, if there is trash on the grass, they mow over it, and never pick things up along the walkways. Last year there was a plastic bowl on the grass along a pathway way. It was there all year. Blowing is a hit and miss situation, one week they are here, next week not.
216. There should be a dog survey. What is the dog population at ORPS? 217. Make ORPS a +55 community.
218. We need a pergola next to the LP tennis courts for entertaining tournament guests after a match! 219. I have asked many times for some kind of drainage in front of my lot driveway, all the mud that comes from other lots collect in front of my lot 220. Not happy with dog relief areas. It's disgusting for the areas which are designated dog walks in the park. Might sound extreme but dogs should not be allowed to walk on streets but should be carried to wherever their owners want to take them. For the gardens, cut back on annual flowers and change it up with permanent plants. 221. Pool aerobic classes on the weekends needed 222. I have only been to ORPS a couple of times and have spent a total of 5 nights. this was about 9-10 years ago so my knowledge of the resort is limited.
223. Found it easy to book t time easy this year seemed more fair.
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