OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 28
224. We look forward to spending more time at Outdoor Resort next year and eventually becoming more involved. I would like more info on our financials and security. Not overly impressed with COVID response...my two nickels 225. Be more flexible in allowing lot improvements and enhancements as long as they are an improvement or enhancement and not something that will make the resort look cluttered. It's good to be consistent in appearance but you can wind up with just plain old "Vanilla" which is what we have now. We should have a resort designer that can help owners with planning lot enhancements that would improve the look of the individual’s lot and the resort overall as opposed to one person's opinion or that of a small committee. E.g. Solar LED lighting at the entrance to each lot so that we don't have to pay the minimum electric bill every month when we are not there for 9 months of the year. 226. It is always beautiful. I love it as it is. Yet I know changes need to be made to keep up. You are all doing a good job. 227. We recently spent the month of March in Mesa, Arizona at the Towerpoint Resort. What we enjoyed there was every afternoon at 4:00 a live band would start playing at poolside and the place was packed with people listening/dancing/enjoying a beverage/swimming, etc. This allowed for a very enjoyable social gathering. Then at 6:00, another live band started playing during the supper hour at the poolside restaurant. This kept people around until the band finished at around 8:00. Has this been tried at ORPS? It would allow for an enjoyable social activity, increased bar and food service, and full use of the ES or LP facilities in the afternoons. An outdoor bar area would be necessary as well as tables, chairs, umbrellas, and dance floor. 228. Spray garbage and dog run areas for flies. More frequent trash pick-up during the season as well as better trash disposal containers; i.e. better tops to control odor and pest flies 229. Turn the back 9 golf course into a dog run and pet relief area. The golf course needs a lot more open tee times. 230. Need a dog park. Not what’s there. Get an independent accounting office. Bill once a year and allow monthly payments send statement. With all the services you provide a statement would be nice along with monthly PL statements. 231. I do not agree with putting fake grass in park...it has its own issues...part of the beauty of the park is grass, sand and desert scape...the grass and trees help clean the air…which we need 232. The need for temporary wind screen to be put up and taken down as needed. Enforcing RV appearance rules. I have a neighbour who has not been there for four years. It’s a disaster A&A turns their head from. The awning has been flapping in the wind for four years. Something has to give with the dogs. People are fed up with them peeing everywhere. 233. My pet peeve...allowing owners to wrap the palm trees with rope lights! We are looking like a trailer trash park. Lighting of palm trees should be kept to up lighting only.
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