OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 29

234. In the fitness room there are only 2 elliptical machines that are the same and only 1 works properly (H). They are popular so are difficult to get on at certain times. It would be nice if there were more. And for all the equipment to be maintained better. If something is broken it seems to stay that way. A nice pet park is needed. I would like to see the grass kept around the tennis and pickleball courts but understand the need to change it to DG because of pet usage. Buying 2 lots for a pet park sounds acceptable. Maybe the NW corner of the Park by the road and Marijuana facility. Obviously, the amount of HOA dues needs to be considered when looking at doing improvements in the park. A big need is better washers and dryers throughout the park and maintenance. Having 2 out of 3 washers broken for an extended period of time in satellite E is unacceptable. Thank you. 235. Clubhouses need to be updated 236. The dog and garbage are needs to be separated from the laundry area, the smell is very unpleasant when doing laundry. The washroom in laundry area needs to be updated. They definitely need a big dog are people are letting their dogs pee and poop wherever. 237. Free internet for all lots. 238. Keep up the maintenance, enforce rules governing what are acceptable rigs/units in the resort. In other words, do not let new owners bring in sub-par units that don't meet the requirement of the park and thereby reduce the value of the resort as a whole. If units are falling out of maintenance or compliance, notification should be made to the owner with a check off list to bring their rig up to compliance and within a reasonable time frame. The guidelines should not vary or be subjective, but rather objective and to the point, there should actually be a punch list with listed remedies within a certain time limit to come into compliance. There should be an arbitration board to provide consistent guidelines, feedback, and mutual agreement to provide consistent and fair results that everyone can have confidence in. 239. Satellites need major improvement and it will never be top notch without universal WiFi. It's the electronic age even the poorest of parks have Wi Fi.

240. Bring back our own staff to look after the park if you really want to park to be first class

241. Dog relief areas are very, very important!!! 242. For the investment and enjoyment benefit of ALL owners, you should strive (at whatever the cost) to retain ORPS top shelf image and facilities that keep up with the changing times and technology and social needs, and DONT discount the needs of the many full time residents here in favor of part timers. 243. We’re thoroughly disgusted with how those in charge handled the staffing of the mail room as well as the golf shack. It was deplorable! I mentioned this at a board meeting during Open Forum all to no avail. 244. The satellites are in need of stronger maintenance plan repairs should be made and kept up. Hot tubs are also not working on a regular basis; the laundry machines should also be maintained at these locations 245. Keep pets to designated pat area...period

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