OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 30

246. The trash collection area is the worst. I am embarrassed to go there, even under normal circumstances. Why was this subject omitted from your survey? During peak season it is both disgusting and unhealthy to be there. Grass areas need to be maintained for pet areas and what happened to the pet park promised along the west boundary. Too bad their development is delayed but that doesn't eliminate the long- standing need for pet relief inside the park. Perhaps we need to limit permissions for pet volume if relief not eminent. 247. The attractiveness of the resort is very important, but it is already beautiful. We do not need to go all out to make it very "exclusive" but do need to maintain its beauty and the good spirit of members. I don't want a socially elite population. 248. Eliminate non-essential grass areas with DG and desert landscape. Install a walking path between the 13th and 5th hole alongside the road for safety of all 249. Keeping up the landscaping and common facilities is very important. Also a strong golf program is a real plus. Am concerned that letting the bushes grow very high above the West wall has blocked our mountain view. I do understand the security aspects, 250. Overall I love living here! It is a beautiful resort and support the board for continuing to make improvements to our facilities and updating them. Sounds like there are some creative ideas for the future. I don't utilize everything that the resort has to offer, but I like that I can participate in as much as I can and want to. 251. To maintain our rating I would like to see an end to full time occupancy. Overall majority of owners have pride of ownership however there are some that could generate a little more TLC. As you enter the resort the initial impression as well as the front office screams 80s as in the decade, a little tired and old looking needs to step up to the 21st century. The newer palm trees and lighting was a beginning. 252. I would very much like to see a Concept 2 Model D or E Rowing Machine in the fitness room, about $1100. This model is used in many commercial and university gyms, as well as police and fire exercise rooms. It works many muscles at once. The "resort fee" for renters is HIGH ENOUGH!! Even though rental nights may have stayed consistent, it limits what we owners can rent our lots for, since the renters are concerned with the total they pay. Sure, it's great for those who never rent their lots to have their HOA's subsidized by lot owners who do rent out their lots, but it comes out of our pocket! $15 a night is ENOUGH! 253. More channels on the cable TV service. Especially a guide! 254. Would like to see Saturdays be the day for Recycle Pick Up by workers. People get lazy about recycle. I think that this would make them more aware if a day is set aside for this. When Governor Jerry Brown was in office this was a priority of his. CA encourages recycling...we should too. 255. Not a dog owner at this time but will be soon. Also, we are next to a lot; no one has ever been there. We have tried to keep the lot clean but tired of complaining. This past Nov an older motor home with a broken windshield and peeling paint appeared. No one has been there. We have complained, why has nothing been done? Very frustrating as we hear of different citing, for other people for simple things. Yet nothing is ever done. It is our understanding no one has been there in years.

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