OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 31
256. Put the resort under a dome so it can be closed during the summer and air conditioned. LOL Doesn’t hurt to ask. 257. Please work hard to give us all a physical address in addition to our lot number.... lots numbers can continue to be used for Mail purposes and property title... but a house number and street address that make sense should also be on lots for emergency vehicles and general ability to find our way. I find this a constant frustration personally and have heard many grumbles about this from others 258. We are here 5-6 months. 259. More areas for dogs. Possibly convert tennis courts at satellites to dog areas. 260. This survey is very similar to the ones done by the original long range planning committee. The current board axed the committee to join it with the planning committee. Very short sighted. It is obvious this current board did not take the time to read or digest all the previous work and surveys of the strategic plan. They have spent money foolishly redoing was done during the previous two years to obtain results they already had. Sadly, some of these board members were on the previous board and should know better. This shows their obvious lack of leadership and wisdom.
261. Pet relief areas moved away from clubhouse & common meeting areas.
262. I'd like to see more services cut back in the off season to help reduce costs. 263. Rules need to be followed. Whether Laundry Room Etiquette, Parking, Showering before Swimming/Hot Tub, especially Dog Owners/Renters abusing fellow neighbors by allowing urination/defecating on Privately Owned Lots and any old where they like. The abuse received when politely correcting this behavior is unacceptable. I believe as non-Pet Owners we have the right to not have our Real Estate destroyed by urine burns, dogs scuffing up grass when finished defecating, witnessing dogs using beautiful Garden Beds, Golf Course, Gutters constantly. We have Rules, lets uphold them! 264. Love animals especially dogs and horses...great companions; we have 123 acres here!? Opportunity for as many as 2400 people and dogs!!! FULL TIME ... 2 dogs per household is UNFAIR to the dogs and people (it gets very ripe as the weather warms pooping and peeing (in common areas it happens). The quality of our park depends on infrastructure and updated dog bylaws? It isn’t rocket science Thank you for asking. 265. As a pet owner I applaud the new trial locations for dogs to relieve themselves, but I can’t help thinking that more can be done. The water aerobics classes at LA are wonderful. Would like to assure permanent staffing of competent teacher. 266. Fix washer and dryer in laundry mats, update elliptical machine in fitness center 267. Need to do better maintenance on the irrigation. To many sprinklers don't work or get broken off and get the units on the lot wet. Then owners have to pay Hundreds of dollars to get the hard calcium off the unit. 268. I feel that the people who are in charge of the finances for ORPS are on whole as a group incompetent and irrational in their spending.
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