OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 32

269. Would like to see owners’ lounge used more for live entertainment nights with the bar open inside the lounge - as the night the banjo player was there. Would like to see the movie theatre space moved into a separate different area with more seating and a bit more current movies. 19th hole could be moved into owners’ lounge to increase use of the fire pit. On event nights in ES the bar service needs to be better. I wished the fitness classes could be held in their own room because the ballroom floor in LP is usually very dusty and dirty to be on the floor exercising as well as the carpet in the yoga room. People walk on these floors in their outdoor shoes then we are lying on that floor exercising. Improve common sense etiquette while fitness classes are in session I.e. no walking through the middle of the class to go to the mailroom etc. Love the resort Thank you to all of the volunteers and their time to keep the resort in the condition that it is in. It’s gorgeous here. 270. When we purchased our lot, several sprinklers were not functioning. Every time we have requested service we've had to ask 2-3 times. They are all working well now but twice we had old faithful geysers gushing on our property which went almost two weeks to get repaired! Seems to me in this age of technology that there is room for improved communication between clients and the landscape crews. 271. Would like some activities added later at night for those who are still working. Think reducing cost of maintenance to resort is imperative to survival. I live in older part of park. Seems a bit neglected at times in regard to events, updating to LP clubhouse Would like access to packages outside of mailroom hours-maybe install lockers, some other way to retrieve pkgs 272. Facilities have not been properly maintained for the last several years. And the laundry rooms are particularly bad. 273. Speeding!!! Golf carts especially!! SLOW down! Don’t pass me when I’m going 10 mph! Employees speed in their new units! Not a racetrack!!!! 274. Most important to me is the weather, which of course is the weather. This is followed closely by a friendly social atmosphere. My concept of a friendly social atmosphere is a local bar where people can meet, talk, and grab a bit to eat. In my hometown that is two restaurant/bars within walking distance. Here it is provided by the 19th Hole and El Saguaro events. The problem is when the events overtake the bar. In my opinion, the bar should be the foundation and the events basically entertainment and separate from the bar’s function. Additionally, the bar should be able to provide at least a bar menu of food, even if it’s just delivery from one of the resort restaurants. 275. Important issue that require substantial expenditures should be brought to the membership. At limit should be put in place for what the board can approve. Our budget should not be based on expected revenue from rentals. Rental revenues should be put into surplus and used in the next year. Our budget is getting bigger every year, yet were falling down on keeping what we have maintained. Some type of fee should be charged to dog owners. The resort is paying out a lot of money to maintain and expand areas for their dogs. All owners are paying for this increase. I want to thank the Management and Board and volunteers for what they do to keep this Resort as a special place for all of us to enjoy. 276. Run the resort like a business and provide activities entertainment for seven or eight months! Hire within the resort!

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