OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 35

291. We need more dog runs; we should have a more social bar area open daily from 3:00 to 6 or 7:00 PM with bar stools that don't get moved because of a show that's upcoming. We don't do tennis, pickleball or the gym so a bar that serves appetizers or chips would be desirable and where we can meet people and socialize. My other comments earlier the HOA dues are outrageous and the rental TAX to our renters is also outrageous. Too much FAT in ORPS and it's time to scale back on expenses. Keep raising dues and the lots will be worthless. If the dues weren't so high the property values would increase. I've spoken to many people about the dues and everybody agrees they are too high especially Canadians whose dues become $500.00 ++. 292. The thing that made me fall in love with this resort was how beautiful it was. The flowers, trees and golf course make this park so remarkable, unlike anything I have seen anywhere else. I would like the beauty preserved. I feel it is first and foremost important to focus our spending on infrastructure. The resort is aging and so are the buildings and underground wires, pipes, sewer, etc. I would hope we are earmarking reserves to replace roofs and pipes and other aging components. The new upgrades are nice but can we really afford it? I would hope that we are being fiscally responsible with the maintenance of this aging resort. We are not dog owners, but I think a proper dog park / area is a huge concern. The area behind the dumpsters is disgusting and not that of a 5 star resort. I understand this is a huge issue and hope it can be resolved one day soon. The areas around the tennis and pickleball courts are really gross, smell bad and look horrible. Not a solution! I am a quilter and we have a big issue with space. I don't have this answer either but hope we can continue to grow the club and find more room. Thank you for listening. 293. A designated quilting and sewing room is essential. This hardworking group enhances the resort by providing constructive activity, social opportunities, and community events. The groups charity work in the community outside the resort is appreciated and is a good reflection on the resort as a whole. 294. Change the dog relief area from tennis and pickelball area. Why should non dog owners have to see, breath this in main areas. 295. Too many lots have older trailers or 5th wheels that do NOT look like they are in compliance. They look tired and old...not what a "Five Star" resort should look like. In addition, we need more dog friendly areas. The area near the front gate is fine and the tennis/pickleball areas are also fine (with DG instead of the existing grass). But we need a few more areas that are conveniently located for dog owners. We almost did not buy a lot here because it does NOT feel like a dog-friendly resort (others have said the same thing, including people that have chosen not to buy here). And again, the sewage smell next to Bella Roma is disgusting. 296. More dog control and dog relief area should be nowhere near RVs; dog barking shouldn’t be allowed at all! 297. THE ASSOCIATION SHD J/V EITH OWNERS ON INSTALLATION OF TURF GRASS ENDEAVOR TO LEASE AN APPROPRIATE SPACE FOR DOG PARK 298. The common areas at back lots along walls has deteriorated and have complained but nothing is done to repair sod or replace broken sprinklers

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